'Create Pull Request Button is disabled

I would like to make a pull request from my fork repo to the upstream repository.

As always I was following these steps here from the guidance from Github.

But this time I can not make a pull request, as the button is disabled.

The branches can be automatically merged.

I do have changes in my forked repo and I can see commits made. Base repo and head repo are indicated correctly.

Solution 1:[1]

From Github Developer Support:

Also, I know this might seem strange, but could you try selecting the base repo/branch from the drop down list (even if this already seems selected), and give this another go. It could that, for whatever reason, the pull request creation flow isn't picking this up implicitly.

I have also logged out and logged in again.

After that, everything was fine!

Solution 2:[2]

In my case, the pull request Title field didn't auto-populate like it usually does. Once I typed in a title, the button became active.

Solution 3:[3]

Populating the "comment" field did it for me.

Solution 4:[4]

It happened to but I realized that and immediately changed the default branch to master. The pull request button got activated thereoff.

Solution 5:[5]

After realising it's just a HTML issue, I enabled the button by inspecting the element and deleting the tag in my browser (Safari).

That should fix the issue in other browsers too.

Solution 6:[6]

I had to select my branch from the list shown down on the github page labeled "There isn’t anything to compare." - weird but worked fine.

Solution 7:[7]

I couldn't see a button at all... and then I realised...

I wasn't logged in #facepalm

Solution 8:[8]

I had the same issue. Adding a title to pr fixed the problem


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Source: Stack Overflow

Solution Source
Solution 1 wingedRuslan
Solution 2 GeekyMonkey
Solution 3 Ben Caine
Solution 4 Jelil
Solution 5 Fernando Prieto Moyano
Solution 6 Mark Z. Kumler
Solution 7 Louis Sayers
Solution 8 Husniddin Qurbonboyev