Category "yolov4"

How to transfer learning or fine tune YOLOv4-darknet with freeze some layers?

I'm a beginner in object detection field. First, I followed YOLOv4 custom-train from here, I have successfully followed the tutorial. Then I started to think th

Changing darknet weights into tensorflow weights

I used this rep to create my own yolov4 detection. The detection with the yolov4.weights and

Is it possible to combine two different custom YOLOv4 models

I'm working on an object detection project where I have to identify the type of animals and their posture given an image/video. For this purpose, I have two cus

How to Use Custom yolov4 weights in iOS app

I following these steps: Obtained YOLO v4 weights after training on my custom dataset Converted weights to TensorFlow checkpoints Converted Tensorflow checkpoin

How to make confusion matrix in YOLOv4 using mAP's output?

We have found the mean average precisions. In the map, there are TP, FP, FN values but not TN. So, we are trying to find the TN values from which we can measure