Category "yarnpkg-v2"

How to debug Jest Tests when using Yarn 2 / Yarn PnP

I'd like to use the node --debug-brk feature described in a previous answer and the jest docs to debug in npm/yarn 1 based projects, but node_modules/ is not pr

How to use Yarn 2 (or 3) to run create-react-app without specifying a new directory?

I am trying to migrate from NPM to Yarn for the sole reason of getting rid of 'node_modules' folder. I am trying to use CRA tool. However, on CRA it advises to

How to import TomSelect in App.js to avoid browser error?

I'm working on a symfony 5.4 application that uses webpack / encore. I want to use the tomselect javascript plugin. i installed it with yarn and want to import