Category "xslt"

Edit XML in HTML form and submit to self

I have some data stored in an XML file and want to be able to edit that through an HTML form on a PHP page. In the PHP page I'm calling an XSL file to turn the

Edit XML in HTML form and submit to self

I have some data stored in an XML file and want to be able to edit that through an HTML form on a PHP page. In the PHP page I'm calling an XSL file to turn the

XSLT remove duplicate element values

Here is my xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <MD_LegalConstraints> <otherConstraints><CharacterString>Test 1</Character

What's the rationale behind result tree fragments?

XSLT 1.0 adds an additional data type to those provided by XPath 1.0: result tree fragments. This additional data type is called result tree fragment. A variab

How to write PHP in XSLT

I have been trying for the longest time to write a simple php echo statement in a .xsl file, but every site that I look at does not seem to function for me when

Creating and understanding XML transform

I am trying to brush up on my XML skills and was taking a course on it. There is one where I am tasked to create a XML transform from an XML instance that conta

XSLT stylesheet isn't applied to XML in Firefox. How to fix it?

I have no idea why my code isn't cooperating, with me and my xml. I'm sorry for giving pics, but when i'm giving code, site is displaying end result, not the co

Group by key in xslt 3.0

I am trying to group by an attribute . Example input: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?> <ns1:map xmlns:ns1="

How to add tags?

First xml file "in.xml" to be updated: <root attr="root"> <xItem key="1" th="1"> <m1 /> <b attr3="j" attr4="x"> <m4 /

Clone nodes while expanding flat to hierarchical XML using Microsoft XSLT 1.0

TL;DR: Here is my Fiddle: Expanding on the answer to my previous XSLT 1.0 (Microsoft vendor) problem, I act

Add Line Break With XSLT

I'm trying to add a line break to the XML output with my XSLT. here is what I'm trying to do. <Description> <xsl:value-of select=concat($var

How to fix error: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed

I put my code in the XML validation website and it gives me this error: Line 8: 4 The markup in the document following the root element must be well-form

JSONPath to transform and map to different tiers of data with a single output

I am using JSONPath and this node module to transform a JSON obj into a different output. This is simila

Display Link Title Instead of URL in XSL

I'm learning XSL-as-I-Go, but I'm stuck. My function : public function SitemapHTML() { $xp = new XsltProcessor(); $xsl = new DomDoc

SaxonC 11.1 transform_to_file Produces No Output File

Using SaxonC-HE 11.1 in Python3 to transform XML into a new file appears to produce no file. Here's the py code: import os import saxonc with saxonc.PySaxo

XSLT Transformation to create xml with cdata section

Iam trying to do xslt transformation with cdata section in it.I need to put the transformed xml in to aXMLInput tag as cdata section.iam able to create the xml

To read Xml file from variable in XML Source in SSIS

I am getting the result in variable through web Service Task as shown in below image, Then I have used XML task to remove the excess namespace and stored the

How to insert a new line or enter in Microsoft Word references style (XSL file)

I have prepared a modified references style for Microsoft word 2010 document. Following part of XSL file indicates how online resources should be displayed in t

XSLT: How to parse out an element into multiple variables

I am trying to parse out full name out of a single field and store them into different variables so I can use them uniquely as FirstName, MiddleName, LastName.