Category "xamarin"

Add tap events to elements inside an SVG using SkiaSharp in Xamarin.Forms

I want to get the particular points inside the svg for xamarin.forms Is there is any ways from which I can achieve? Thanks in advance.

I get the error "Invalid item ID firebaseappcheckinterop-16.0.0-beta01" during build

The question is as the title suggests. The environment is Xamarin.Forms in Visual Studio 2019 on Windows. The error is not occurring in another project, and I t

Xamarin Forms ListViewCell not updating Image

I am trying to get an image to show in my custom ViewCell, however, setting it manually doesn't work. I am first creating a list of my custom view cells and set

Move a SVG icon along a Path in Xamarin.Forms

Is there a best practice on how to animate and move a SVG icon along a path of (x/y) coordinates in Xamarin.Forms? With Xamarin.Forms.Shapes there is the Path c

How To create a folder inside a Album in iOS iPhone Using Xamarin form

Hello Developer I want to create a a directory inside a Album in iOS using Xamarin form ,I need to use this directory to store all my capture images

Bug - TextDecoration Strikethrough not working on iOS

I have a label where I want strikethrough and a lineheight of 1.5 This works fine with Android, but strikethrough does not work on iOS when LineHeight is also s

Is there expiration date attribute for Apple Identity Pinning?

I have pinned hash of public key on iOS app (like there). On Android there is option to set expiration time: <pin-set expiration="2022-05-22">

How do I select a build in App Store Connect

I tried to publish the app to Apple Store Connect. Normally there is a "+" button but I don't see one right now because Apple have updated iTunes Connect and in

When I try to save a QR code from the Zxing library I get an error with the BarcodeWriter class

Currently I want to store my generated qr code as an image in the phone gallery that executes it and then almost at the same time upload it as a backup to Amazo

Labels not appearing in Grid despite being children of it

I'm relatively new to Xamarin and I've been trying to programmatically add labels to a grid but each time they don't appear on the screen. Here's the code : for

Any idea how to add CarouselView indicators inside the CarouselView it self?

I am using a CarouselView to display a few views each one of them is basically 2 StackLayouts like so what I have done so far is create a CarouselView with

Xamarin HttpClient request on Local network gets NameResolutionFailure error

Need to make a request with a local network server. If machine name is known, but not IP address. string serverAddress = "mylocalserver"; System.Net.ServicePoi

Changing an existing XF Android application to use Google App Signing. Which option should I select on the Play Store?

I have an existing Xamarin Forms application developed. I would like to start using .aab and that requires me to enable Google App Signing. As there's a pote

Xamarin Android custom action bar - something went wrong error

I was trying to do exactly this tutorial for xamarin android:

Call from foreground service stops working when screen is off

I have the following code that makes a phone call: public static void CallPhoneNumber(this Context context, string phoneNumber) { var uri = Android.Net.Uri.

Xamarin.Forms SwipeView CommandParameter is null unless you reload UI HotReload

Ok, so I have a CollectionView bound to a collection of 'Show' objects. There's a fair bit going on with this CollectionView. I have a command for when a user s

How can I set the Source property of a FFImageLoading.SvgCachedImage from a Dynamic Resource in a Xamarin C# view?

Here is is the XAMLcode I am currently using: <ffimageloadingsvg:SvgCachedImage Source="{DynamicResource GearIcon}" /> GearIcon is set to "Test.Resource Error Code 1000

I receive the following error in DidCompleteWitherror: Error Code 1000 I'm using the following code to sign in

XAML/MVVM help for implementing screen grid

As a complete beginner to XAML/MVVM I would like to request some help with implementing a 24x14 letter screen. The XAML implementation is quite easy I think wit

How to achieve fluent scrolling in Hybrid Maui Blazor APP?

Update I've added a screencast to better demonstrate the horizontal scroll problem I'm building a Hybrid MAUI / Blazor app. My goal is to make use of the native