Category "x509certificate"

Error [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to [ when converting an arraylist of X509Certificate to array

I am very new to this ssl and certificates. I have a jks file which consists of some certificates which server trusts. I am trying to read all the certificates

CryptographicException in Classic ASP with MySQL TLS

I am facing this issue when I am trying to invoke a COM Visible c# class in classic ASP Page which tries to execute one MySQL query against database.(Here MySQL

How to parse the ASN.1 object and get the data using bouncycastle in java

I have an ASN.1 data which contain some URL info and certificates data. Now I am trying to parse the data. I am using the dump method which is shown below. p

Kubernetes: expired certificate

Our Kubernetes 1.6 cluster had certificates generated when the cluster was built on April 13th, 2017. On December 13th, 2017, our cluster was upgraded to versi