Category "wsgi"

Django - WSGI script cannot be loaded as Python module

This is a well-known issue it seems but I have spent 8 hours trying to fix the issue without any success. I have been running a Django project with Apache2 on t

Setting up gunicorn.service [Service] for Django app

Following the documentation and online tutorials on setting up my gunicorn.service results in ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'my-app' when I run sudo syst

How do I pass env variables to uwsgi?

I have a WSGI handler configured under Apache and I'm defining some environmental variables in the Apache virtual host configuration. SetEnv APP_CONFIG "/var/l

raise RuntimeError('You need to use the eventlet server. '

In my project, I created a app: the website_chat/ code: async_mode = 'eventlet' import os from django.http import HttpResponse import socketio ba

uWSGI log format to capture request number and count

The default log format includes the request number and number of requests. However I don't see a way to reference those variables in a custom log format. Any i

How to perform periodic task with Flask in Python

I've been using Flask to provide a simple web API for my k8055 USB interface board; fairly standard getters and putters, and Flask really made my life a lot eas

How to proxy both WSGI and ASGI via Uvicorn or Daphne with nginx and SSL proxy?

I have a small project that uses Django Channels (websockets) and it works fine locally. I've added SSL to my docker-based deployment with the letsencrypt-compa

apache2 and mod wsgi : Target WSGI script cannot be loaded as Python module

I am trying to install mod_wsgi on apache2, on ubuntu. So I install libapache2-mod-wsgi package, I activate him with a2enmod. I got a web site (languageAnalyz)