Category "winui-3"

How do I access Window Resources in WinUI 3

I've just started working on a WinUi 3 (Desktop) project and have got blocked trying to add Window resources to a Window. I would have thought the following wou

WinUI Desktop app publish in app center: Problem occurred while extracting your app

I am trying to upload a WinUI desktop package in appcenter, but i am facing a below issue when uploading the packages. In addition, I have tried some other app

WinUI3 - bind ContentControl to CollectionViewSource CurrentItem instead of collection?

When an item is selected in my ListView, I want to display a specific user control in the my ContentControl. Using the following code, my content control merely

Custom WinUI 3 C++/WinRT Control in C# WinUI project

I am trying to create WinUI C++/WinRT Component containing XAML control and iclude this custom control inside C# WinUI 3 project. Is this somehow possible? I ha

WinUI3 What can cause a DispatcherQueue.TryEnqueue(action) return true, but not execute action?

My scenario is: a TCPClient receives Json objects and distributes them to different queues. Such a queue is handled in a Task like this (the dispatcher is neces

Unpackaged WinUI3 app crashes when calling Bootstrap.Initialize()

I have a WinUI3 app that I want to deploy as an unpackaged app, i.e. an app that does not use the MSIX packaging format. I followed the instructions given here:

Content Dialog not showing up WINUI3

I'm trying to show a popup to edit a brand in my app but it doesn't show up. Function where I call the Dialog: private async Task EditBrandAsync(Brand brand) {

How do I get a WinUI Control's parent Window?

I need to get a reference to the parent Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Window for a Control. Is there a way to do that in Project Reunion 0.5? Window.Current does not work i

How do I customize the Window Titlebar in a Windows App SDK (WIN UI/Project Reunion) Project?

I'm trying to build an app using the new Widows App SDK. I used the Windows Community Toolkit to create the application. After consulting the documentation, I t

How do I customize the Window Titlebar in a Windows App SDK (WIN UI/Project Reunion) Project?

I'm trying to build an app using the new Widows App SDK. I used the Windows Community Toolkit to create the application. After consulting the documentation, I t