Category "winapi"

Show a list of all "Alt+Tab windows" (even full screen UWP windows) and retrieve the handle of the one picked by the user

I need to retrieve the handle of a window selected by the user and then retrieve its handle. This window must be one of those shown when ALT+TAB is pressed. I t

Programmatic control of virtual desktops in Windows 10

I love that Windows 10 now has support for virtual desktops built in, but I have some features that I'd like to add/modify (e.g., force a window to appear on al

Can I insert my code to my coded interface using Win32?

I have a C program and I am supposed to add an interface to it. Can I insert my code to my coded interface using Win32? Example: Here is my code to convert bina

Multiple definition running MF Media Session Playback Example using Windows SDK 10.0.22000.0

I'm new to Media Foundation, and I downloaded the code from the media session playback example, and the Windows 11 SDK. I used the following makefile to compile

How to load 16-bit executables (NE) for resources?

Is it possible to open a 16-bit Windows executable, just to browse its resources? I want to use LoadLibraryEx with LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_IMAGE_RESOURCE | LOAD_LIBRARY

Trying to group __InstanceCreationEvents from WMI Query -

I have a WMI query that notifies me on USB insertions, but I am trying to group the results of this query so that my handler can operate on a batch of these ins

Python MAPI, windows service issue on windows server 2016

Im writing a script that downloads the attached document from every email in a subfolder of my Outlook inbox. The script works great when running from CMD or Py

Windows Console (conhost) discards newline when output matches witdth of the window

I have a C++ application on Windows, that logs to stdout (via the Win32 api using WriteConsole). Each logline consists of some text and a trailing newline chara

Pure OpenGL on Windows? [duplicate]

I want to use OpenGL without GLFW, the docs say that I need to add opengl32.lib to linker dependencies. How do I specifically import OpenGL an

Undefined reference to GetConsoleWindow

I am trying to get a handle for the console window with the following: #include <Windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define N

Add texts with line breaks in Win32 API ListView

I am using the WC_LISTVIEW control to create a table that is filled with data at runtime. The table is working fine. However, I cannot display multiple lines in

How to add layer on top of file system? Like cache in OneDrive or Google Drive

I'm looking for a way (using C# .Net or C++ and WinApi or anything) to add a layer between filesystem and client application to add custom behaviour. Like OneD

Unable to refer to typedef struct definitions done in Win32 Header files (.h files in External dependencies) from WinRT C++ Library

Unable to refer to typedef struct definitions done in Win32 Header files (.h files in External dependencies) when consumed from WinRT C++ Library #include <m

Win32 raw input blocks input locale switching when RIDEV_NOLEGACY is specified

I'm writing a keyboard input system for Windows based on Raw Input. It is implemented with RIDEV_NOLEGACY flag set, and legacy keyboard messages are generated m

Strange unicode error when converting Chinese wide strings to regular strings in C++

Some of my Chinese software users noticed a strange C++ exception being thrown when my C++ code for Windows tried to list all running processes: 在ࣩ

Looking for a complete Python script so that it runs my Macro?

I'm trying to create a Python script that opens MS Access and runs a Macro. I have the following script: import win32api,time from win32com.client import Dispat

GetFullPathNameA Returns Project's Path

When I tried the following code: char pathStr[MAX_PATH]; DWORD pathLen = GetFullPathNameA("notepad++.exe", MAX_PATH, pathStr, NULL); I got in "pathStr" the c

How do I set a custom cursor when the mouse is over a certain control?

I want to change the cursor when the mouse is over a certain control. I'm having the png of my cursor. How do I achieve it in C++ ? I tried like this as descri

how to obtain SeDebugPrivilege in Python?

How does one obtain SeDebugPrivilege in Python? I believe both the Ctypes api and PyWin32 are both individually capable of doing it, i don't care which API is u

WaitForMultipleObjects always returns a pipe read handle as signaled

My question is: How to use WaitForMultipleObjects to wait until there is something the be read from an anonymous pipe? The code below is a minimal reproducible