Category "websphere"

How can I get client IP in IBM MobileFirst8

I use MFP.Server.getClientRequest().getRemoteAddr() API in adapter but it get WebServer(IHS) IP not client IP I know its mean last proxy ip How can I get client

SSL handshake_failure on Websphere 8.5 (working on Tomcat)

Long story short; is there any reason why an application working on a Tomcat isn't able to communicate with Paypal servers? Some background: we are developing a

How can I prevent a CA7 job with two schedule IDs from conflicting when they run on the same day?

I have a single job with two schedule ID’s. One runs the job the last day of the month and the other schid runs the last Sunday of the month. The problem

Can any find the solution for this Error in IBM DB2?

%sql select Name_of_School, Safety_Score from SCHOOLS where \ Safety_Score= (select MAX(Safety_Score) from SCHOOLS) i am trying to execute this query i got t

What should I do to handle WebServiceException:

I have a web service deployed on localhost. I generated the stubs using the wsimport command on the deployment server. I then used the generated stub in my clie

WebSphere Server V.8.5 troubles with Eclipse project

I'm trying to create an IBM WebSphere V.8.5 web app using Eclipse. I downloaded and installed all the IBM packages needed and followed the official guide to cr