Category "webpack-dev-server"

Cannot find module 'gifsicle' for loading image -webpack

I've created a webpack project. In that my project works on my machine, but in all of my teammates laptop who has ubuntu installed on their machine(mine is zori

Webpack 5: why MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader doesn't let HMR work?

Can anyone explain me why MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader doesn't let HMR work and how can I fix it? I created the following webpack.config.js file: const path

React router with basename and webpack initial url

Hello i am stuck with this one and couldnt figure it out. So i have React router v6 with basename - "/ui/" , and i want that when i open localhost:8080 that it

html-webpack-plugin not working with webpack-dev-server

Webpack, you'll be the death of me. html-webpack-plugin works fine in production. The 'dist' folder is loaded with my html template and the bundle inserted. O

CORS error even after setting Access-Control-Allow-Origin or other Access-Control-Allow-* headers on client side

I have a Vue application generated with webpack-simple option. I am trying to make a GET request to

Vue invalid host header

Don't know why 2 days ago my projects ( created via vue create ) stopped working - in Chrome i get Invalid Host Header and WDS Disconnected errors. In cmd e

webpack-dev-server Cannot find module 'webpack'

I'm trying to use webpack-dev-server to run a simple program but I'm getting this error: module.js:471 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module 'webpack

Module build failed (from ./node_modules/eslint-loader/dist/cjs.js): TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getFormatter')

I am running a simple React/Django app with webpack that is receiving this error on build: ERROR in ./src/index.js Module build failed (from ./node_modules/esli

Webpack Dev Server Config - contentBase not working in latest version

When I upgrade webpack to 4.0.0-beta.3 and run npx webpack serve I get this error: [webpack-cli] Invalid configuration object. Object has been initialized using

webpack-dev-server - support for POST, PUT, Delete Methods using proxy

I am using webpack-dev-server as a proxy to my original API URL to avoid CORS related issues and dynamically pointing to Dev, UAT, Mock server URL based on the

Webpack dev server cannot get

I' am using Webpack-4. Current behavior is that when webpack-dev-server is running, files under /build not get updated at all and it is showing the file directo

What is sunproxyadmin service?

I was trying to run a front end project locally after pulling it down from git. After which I got the following error: vents.js:183 throw er; // Unhandled 'e

Webpack - no output file generated?

I have the following webpack config: var path = require('path') var webpack = require('webpack') module.exports = { entry: { main: './scripts/app/ma

Webpack launch browser automatically

Gulp + live reload serves up my content on localhost and (here's what I'm after) launches the browser automatically at the server url whenever i run the gulp co

Unexpected token (16:22) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type

I get this error when I start my react project with npm start. Doesnt let me move forward at all. ERROR in ./node_modules/react-csv/src/components/Download.js