Category "webautomation"

Unable to open a link in new tab using Actions Class

I am trying to open a link in a new tab using selenium java automation code. Initially i tried with actions class but it wasn't working. Later i tried using the

How can you get the selected option of a dropdown with Playwright

I am using the C# Language Bindings of Playwright. Example HTML: <select id="txtType" name="Type" class="form-control"> <option>Blog Posts&l

How can you get the selected option of a dropdown with Playwright

I am using the C# Language Bindings of Playwright. Example HTML: <select id="txtType" name="Type" class="form-control"> <option>Blog Posts&l

How to use installed version of chrome in Playwright?

I want to use chrome instead of chromium. I can achieve the same in puppeteer by providing executable path. In playwright it doesn't work as browser type argume

How to get children of elements by Puppeteer

I understand that puppeteer get its own handles rather than standard DOM elements, but I don't understand why I cannot continue the same query by found elements

WhatsApp Web Automation with Python Selenium (unable to locate element)

I am using python and selenium to send a message to a target. I can successfully open whatsapp web but after that I cannot open the inbox of the contact to who