Category "web-services"

Prestashop API: edit product price

Using: Prestashop: I'm trying to create a piece of code to update products prices (or other information in products) with the code below, but it always

Hibernate createNativeQuery returns duplicate rows

I have 2 database tables Customer and Items with 1 -> many relation. To fetch data from database i am using the following query. select, cust

WCF call to endpoint not updating the query string parameter

We are making for WCF calls to endpoints like below: First Call: http://TESTSERVER:11033/Services/GetServiceDetail?Userid=Test1 Subsequent call: http://TESTSE

POST 439

i have error which kill my application - app is running, but - thus, the data in the grids are not displayed - i think error in console browserLink:2843

How to generate web service client from WSDL (like a pro), when address is changing frequently?

I have to consume some service on ESB which has addresses: for dev env: for test env: https://esbte

Spark job as a web service?

A peer of mine has created code that opens a restful api web service within an interactive spark job. The intent of our company is to use his code as a means o

SOAP Proxy with Spring Integration

I'm trying to wrap my head around spring integration and would preferably like to stay away from XML-based configuration. What I would like to do is the follo

HTTP Patch Delta is Null with oData web service

I am using entity framework code first. My entities and controller were generated by Visual Studio and have not been modified. This issue seems to be that the

Error reading XMLStreamReader: Unexpected character 'N' (code 78) in prolog; expected '<'

I am getting WstxUnexpectedCharException when hitting a soap service. My code is generating the request, that request is looking fine, and when same request i a

Convert GET parameter to POST request body and extract specific JSON property

Background I am making a spreadsheet that refers to information security license registration provided by the Japanese government ( The

Error running SSRS powershell cmd

I'm running the Powershell commands below from my desktop to deploy the SSRS reports to the on a dev report server. I get the error below: Commands: Write

how to set https proxy in cxf client ?

I am using below code for my webservice client : HelloService hello = new HelloService(); HelloPortType helloPort = cliente.getHelloPort(); org.apache.cxf.end

Java client using SAAJ error: SEVERE: SAAJ0008: Bad Response; Unauthorized

I have written a Java client code using SAAJ for Primevera P6 webservices. I am getting the below authentication error. I am providing the http username + passw

Best practice: WebLogic SOAP service -- should WSDL be visible?

I am going to deploy a SOAP web service on a WebLogic server. The endpoint of the service is something like: when invoking WSDL service

I was looking to use the Travelport Universal API to develop a Flight Booking System, so i have used this Travelport Developers official link as reference: Get

Spring Boot Actuator endpoints unreachable in a SOAP web service

I've created a SOAP web service using Spring Boot, based on this tuto : The web service works great

Prestashop webservice API creating cart rules

Have been trying to create a cart rule using Prestashop web-service with no luck. Tried this

Why am I getting this FedEx API error 'The given grant_type is not supported. Please modify your request and try again'

I'm using this PHP code: $service_url = ''; $curl = curl_init($service_url); $curl_post_data = array( "co

Handling Deadlocks via, RESTFUL API?

Goal is to improve code. The ASP.NET MVC client Application makes the HTTP request to the service Layer. This is a C# REST API, where we are transferring larg

Understanding CORS

I've been looking on the web regarding CORS, and I wanted to confirm if whatever I made of it is, what it actually is. Mentioned below is a totally fictional s