Category "vuetify.js"

How to remove vuetify autocomplete component default icon

Vuetify autocomplete by default have custom "up" and "down" arrow icons: How can be changed this icon to search icon in other events (active or inactive) an

How can I wrap a v-switch with a v-tooltip with Vuetify?

I attempted doing this like in the documentation <v-tooltip color="black" bottom > <template v-sl

v-carousel is responsive but not the images it contains

When I use v-carousel, everything works fine, except I noticed on mobile even if the carousel itself is responsive, the images inside it are not, so only the mi

How to validate a form with ref in Vue Composition API

With the Options API, I validated my form like this: template: <v-form ref="form" v-model="valid" lazy-validation @submit.prevent> ... script: methods: {

How do I make a striped v-data-table in Vuetify?

I have a table <v-data-table :headers="headers" :items="bookings" class="elevation-1" :search="search" > <template slot="items" slot-scope="p

Vuetify v-divider vertical too long?

I have this components, <v-list-item class="paid-section-card"> <v-list-item-content align="center"> <v-list-item-titl

Vuetify v-select component width changing

My v-select components should have a fixed width (60px), they fit in a table cell, and I want to prevent them from changing the width after value selected. They

Best way to handle Vuetify v-menu

I am new to the Vue.js and recently we started building my product in Vue and Vuetify. I had written a custom component around the v-menu and using that as a po

When printing, Vuetify application reserves space for invisible elements

I created an application using Vue.JS and Vuetify. The layout is based on the Google Contacts layout. I am using both a toolbar and a navigation drawer. I woul

Vue warning and component not showing while using v-form and v-text-field from Vuetify

I'm trying to use the v-form and v-text-field components from the Vuetify node package. <template> <v-form> <v-text-field label="Test" type

Vuetify v-app-bar-title component is truncated with plenty of room to spare

I am using a navigation bar in my Vue/Vuetify app, and added a v-app-bar-title component to display the name of the page the user is currently on. However, when

Styling an icon defined with prepend-icon in Vuetify

Normally to style an icon in Vuetify we'll do something like <v-icon large color="primary">comment</v-icon> How do we get the same effect while

How can we set a default value of a v-text-field of vuetify in nuxtjs?

I am new to vuejs and nuxtjs and at my company they are using vuetify. I need to set default value as 0 to v-text-field fields in the application but I cant fin

Vuetify - tabs with vue components

I'm working on some web design with vue.js and vuetify and has run into issues when trying to show vue components inside a vuetify v-tab. I have the following

how to work with v-select inside b-table?

I'm working with v-select elements inside a b-table but i've a problem when i put the "responsive" property in my b-table. It looks as if the v-select is contai

Nuxt & Vuetify: how to control the order in which CSS files are loaded?

In my Nuxt/Vuetify app I'm trying to load my custom CSS after Vuetify's CSS, but Vuetify's CSS gets loaded afterwards no matter what. I tried to reverse the ord

Can I enforce a date within a range in a vuetify.js v-text-field for a date

I have the text field below with a date in it, the user should be able to enter in by hand. With the enforced format MM/DD/YYYY Question - is there a way to en

How to reset vuetify's v-input-file

How can we reset vuetify's v-input-file? To clear the form input file after each upload? <v-file-input label="Upload" accept="ima

How can I disable animations for Vuetify v-expansion-panel component?

I'd like to be able to disable the open/close animations for the v-expansion-panel component, i.e. the panel should instantly appear opened/closed when changes

Vuetify search-input.sync for v-autocomplete inside v-for

I have a line_items array, iterated using v-for. For each of the line_item object, I need a v-autocomplete element that is used to search for category. Currentl