Category "vuejs3"

How to get the component type in <script setup>?

This code comes from the official documentation and does not use defineComponent() to declare components. I tried and failed, and webstorm failed. //App.vue <

Why Vue3 Composition API - watch’s option deep do not work in reactive, but work in reactive getter?

Arrow function's deep option is work. Raw Reactive Object's deep option is not work. It looks like a bug, why watch’s option deep do not work in reactive,

How to destroy/unmount vue.js 3 components?

I have a fairly large vue.js 2 application that has a dynamic tabs mechanism. Users can interact with the application opening and closing tabs, each tab represe

Props typing in Vue.js 3 with TypeScript

I'm trying to type hint my props in a Vue 3 component, with composition API. So, I'm doing this: <script lang="ts"> import FlashInterface from '@/interfac

How to call method in setup of vuejs3 app?

In vuejs3 app I retrieve data from db with axios in method, like : <script> import appMixin from '@/appMixin' import app from './../../App.vue' // esl

Vue3 Creating Component Instances Programmatically on button click

In vue2 it was be easy: <template> <button :class="type"><slot /></button> </template> <script> export default { name:

Okay to Paste-in Package-Lock.json from 19 Hours Ago to Fix "ValidationError: Progress Plugin Invalid Options" (Vue 3)?

I'm using Vue 3 and I pushed a version of my project that was working well to GitHub 19 hours ago. About 5 hours later, the problem below occurred when I entere

How to create a global modal to show message when needed in any component in Vue3?

I want to create a global component to show error message or info message in Vue 3, like Alert or Comfirm Modal. In Vue2, I can do this, create a plugin like th

props keep showing as $attrs in VUE DEV TOOLS

enter image description hereenter image description here My props keep showing as $attrs in VUE DEV TOOLS I have tried disabling attrs using inheritAttrs: false

Teleport in component from slot Vue3

I want to create tabs component for my components library. I want tabs and tab components to work like this: <b-tabs> <b-tab :title="'tab 1'"

Vue 3: component not rendering when added with router-view

I have created vue app using vue-cli and instead of html I have added my component TopBar for links and those links are not getting rendered. App.vue <templa

Using lottie animations with vue 3 js

How to use lottie animation files in vue3. I used the lottie web player component but vue js gives a warning of component not being registered. There lot of wra

TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'isCE') - Custom Component Library

I am having trouble building a custom component library for Vue 3 using ViteJS and NPM. I have included a basic illustration of my issue below, can someone plea

How to validate a form with ref in Vue Composition API

With the Options API, I validated my form like this: template: <v-form ref="form" v-model="valid" lazy-validation @submit.prevent> ... script: methods: {

Vue 3 checkbox component does not work in laravel as checkbox (Accept terms) situation

I'm working on a laravel 9 project that uses vue 3. For each form input has been made field components.Everything works fine except registration checkbox (Accep

how to call actions from pinia store?

How I can call action from pinia store in vue 3 component? I use composition API. For example, I would like to import 'openLessonCard' - it is action in pinia s

How do I use Vue3 with vue-jest?

I have the following dependency... "vue-jest": "latest", But when I run npm install I get... npm WARN ERESOLVE overriding peer dependency npm WARN Found: vue@3

ref vs reactive in Vue 3?

Looking at some examples of some people's preview tutorials for Vue 3. [Currently beta right now] I've found two examples: Reactive <template> <butto

Call a function from another component using composition API

Below is a code for a header and a body (different components). How do you call the continue function of the component 2 and pass a parameter when you are insid

After test is run, Error "TypeError: Cannot read property '$model' of undefined..." appears

UPDATE: I've found out that i have to mock certain functions but it is still a hell of a job :) I've been stuck on this particular problem for almost 3 weeks no