Category "vue-props"

Vue stored valued through props not being reactive

So I pass value using [props] and stored it in child component's data. However, when passing [props] value changes from parent, it's not updating in child compo

Vue stored valued through props not being reactive

So I pass value using [props] and stored it in child component's data. However, when passing [props] value changes from parent, it's not updating in child compo

passing object to component using v-for

I am trying to send a series of objects that are in an array to a child component using v-for, but when I try to access them from the child component, it tells

Undefined prop in child component

I have a parent component containing three child components. The first child component is a form. On a submit event it passes data to both the second and third

Vue 3 Composition API: Update Child components props dynamically when values update from the parent component

I am trying to update a prop value when the data from the parent component gets updated and passes through the prop. The parent value always updates but does no