Category "vue-cli"

Some classes have no effect after adding Tailwind.css to a Vue.js project

I am trying to add Tailwind.css to a Vue.js project. There are a lot of resources on how to do this, most of them following the same path as this video. To make

Vue.js 3: Cannot import Vue global object

I'm going crazy trying to reconcile the Vue 3 CLI output into something that works with various tutorials and plugins that all use the Vue object, as in Vue.cre

Vue3 webcomponents production build problem

I'm trying to migrate my vue2 webcomponent to vue3, although the problem comes when i'm creating a build for production. I was using the vue-cli with --target w

How to distinguish identically named VueJS + WebPack modules in Chrome Dev Tools?

I am developing an application with VueJS bundled by WebPack 4. It has a number of CRUD modules distinguished by a directory for each one, but with same named

HMR tls issues with Visual Studio 2022 Vue template

I am using the Microsoft Vue tutorial to create a solution with separate frontend and backend projects. I am using the default configuration that enables tls an

webpack creating 100's of js chunks crippling performance for a single page view with vue cli

We have a vuejs 2 project. We needed some function of dayjs. We abstracted the dayjs into a single utility file and following the guide ended up with this: impo

Getting "throw new Error('Callback was already called.')"

I've been getting this bizarre error out of the blue when I run npm run build (built the program many times before). C:\Users\PomoJota\node_modules\neo-async\as

Can install sass-loader in Vue 3 project

I am trying to add sass/scss loader AFTER creating a project with vue CLI. I ran this script: $ npm install -D sass-loader@^10 sass and I am receiving following

Vue 3 - "Failed to resolve component" with global components

My Vue components work fine when declared in the top level HTML file, like this <body> <div class='app' id='app'> <header-bar id='h

VueJS and FontAwesome Import - Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core' in '/project/src/plugins' Been trying to follow up this tutorial (https://blog.logro