Category "vscode-debugger"

The configuration option popup for debugging a c++ project in Visual Studio Code does not appear

so I want to debug my .cpp program file but when I click on the Run and Debug button and proceed to select my debugging environment (C++ (GDB/LLDB)), the popup

How to change color of debug variable names in Vscode

I know I can change the color of the values during a debug session in the sidebar by changing sideBar.foreground in my settings.json. But is there a way of chan

How to watch instance method operator() result in VSCode C++?

My code is as follows: class Foo{ public: int operator()(int i) { return 1; } int operator++(int i) { return 1; } }

Xdebug in Laravel is not working with VSCode

I'm trying to debug a Laravel project in Ubuntu 20.04. There is a problem that debugger doesn't hit breakpoint just in Laravel project but in other projects Xd

How to get expandable objects view as output in VS Code node terminal?

I would like to have collapsible/ expandable objects in the terminal output in VS Code like on the browser console. Here is an example: In the debug terminal i

VS Code terminal appearing on the side and not the bottom

My VS Code Terminal/Problems/Output/Debug is appearing on the side like this - However, I want it to appear at the bottom like this - How do I make it appear

why doesn't TreeDataProvider exist in vscode?

I followed this link to create a vscode plugin project in javascript. I want to use TreeDataProvider to cre

Run VSCode JS debug launch configuration from integrated terminal

Currently when there's a need to debug a JS one could create a debug configuration, go to debug tab and hit play on the chose launch configuration. Is it possib