Category "video"

FFmpeg pipe input, error while transcoding from WebM to MP4

I am trying to record a video from pipe input using FFMPEG. The pipe input is in WebM format i.e. the video codec is VP8 and the audio codec is OPUS. I am able

elements over video in native full screen mode - SAFARI

This bug is appearing only in Safari on Mac OS and only with the current set up in our application. Initially I though it was a z-index issue, since some elemen

How can I autoplay a video (as Youtube does!)?

I know the Chrome policy about autoplaying videos: But Youtube auto plays a video when you enter a page, without int

Merge one audio file and one image file to create a video with ffmpeg

I first tried: ffmpeg -y -i image.jpg -i audio.mp3 -c:a copy output.mp4 but when I uploaded to video sharing websites (, it says "no video track",

Android Exoplayer only playing audio without video

I'm accessing an mp4 file on the web - it runs just fine in the browser but for some reason I can only seem to get the audio portion to work in my app. Any help

Big ugly play button on FireFox or IOS

Does anyone know how to get rid of this big ugly PLAY button on FireFox or IOS when I add a video background to my Web site? I tried adding all types of CSS, s

Check real FPS from NDI source

I have NDI source self-written with NDI SDK. I send frames with predefined FPS (25, 30, 50, 60). I can view this stream with NDI Studio Monitor or OBS Studio. B

64 bit Vivek's Virtual Camera

I have build 32 bit famous Vivek's VCam available here and it successfully works and shows in 32 bit video conferencing sof

Svelte: Remount component to overwrite media elements

Context In my Svelte app, I have multiple pages, each showing one or multiple videos. For rendering the videos I reuse a video component (simplified): // video

How to see the bandwidth consumed on different devices?

I need to check for a streaming app that the different video quality levels are respected. After searching, the easiest way to check the video quality is to swi

Play video using DirectX in C# WinForm

I want to achieve almost something similar here. I want a control that supports both images or video. This will play for some duration. I am able to show the v

how should we link videos and audios on our html file?

<video width="500" height="500" controls="contrlos"> <source src="hope.mp4" type="video/mp4"> </video> this is the code I tried on vscode

Using Video as Mask of Video with Canvas

I have been trying to create a dynamic mask from one video onto another one. Neither videos have an alpha channel (and even then it would have low support in br

GPU-accelerated video processing with ffmpeg

I want to use ffmpeg to accelerate video encode and decode with an NVIDIA GPU. From NVIDIA's website: NVIDIA GPUs contain one or more hardware-based decod

How to remove the button functions from tkinter and leave the camera and audio always working, without the button please

I have this code that opens a video and audio call that opens by clicking the buttons, as shown in the image. I wanted to remove the video and audio function fr

Why .mkv, .flv, .ogv video file is not playing in safari?

I am using cloudinary for uploading the videos. While trying to play the video, I am using HTML video tag <video controls playsInline> <source src=

Best way to concatenate videos that have different resolution (generally 1080 or 720)

from command line or python would be best. and i am trying to concatenate around 15 clips of 45 seconds. preferably easy to automate with different number of vi

ReactJS multiple video autoplay on iOS

I'm developing a website with iOS friendly. I have some experiences of making video auto play on iOS. To make able to autoplay on iOS, we must follow these rul

Ask user for permission to autoplay videos on website

I'm building a small video-oriented course platform, it will be constructed as one issue/problem topic = one video regarding that issue. All that topics will be

Swift 3: How to add watermark on video ? AVVideoCompositionCoreAnimationTool iOS 10 issue

This code used to work on iOS9 to add a watermark and text to a video but since iOS10 it's not working anymore. There is a iOS 10 bug that has been filed but no