Category "vercel"

Deploying React app to production returns "You need to enable JavaScript to run this app"

Problem I have an axios call at "/artists", that gets a list of artists returned as an array of JSON. It works in development. However, in production it outputs

I am trying to create widget in next.js app

My website is almost complete on next.js. I am trying to create widget to one of my component that can be embedded on any website without iframe. Please help me

One Repository With Multiple Deployments, Environment Variables, and Secrets on Vercel?

I'm doing some early research for a project I plan to deploy to Vercel. I am wondering if the following is possible: I want to have on GitHub repository. This

Doesn't nextjs in vercel support Optional Chaining?

I see nextjs does support Optional Chaining here however, I've been trying to deploy this piece of code module.exports = { experimental: { outputStandalon


I am using Next.js and express as front end and back end server. Next.js hosted on the Zeit Now, express app hosted on Heroku. If I go to express app, I can mak

Failed to load config "next/babel" to extend from eslintrc.json

When I'm trying to build the Next.Js app then the below error is coming with a successful build. This error is showing when I deploy the app in Vercel. error -

Vercel Failed to compile. React

first, I was getting the same error for react-icons. now I am getting errors for the typewriter. it works fine on localhost. when I'm trying to npm i typewriter

Next JS deployed in Vercel, bug backgroundImage property with external URL file

I have in my Next.js project a card component with a backgroundImage from my Strapi API. The image is shown in local but when I deploy my project in Vercel it d

How to make 301 redirect in NextJS Vercel project?

How can I make 301 re directions from one url to another in NextJS application that is stored on Vercel? I tried to add custom express server using server.js fi

Why is my favicon not working in my next js app?

For some reason my favicon is not working. I have the favicon saved as favicon.ico in the /public directory and am referencing it in the <Head> of my pag

Vercel: Task timed out after 10.01 seconds

I recently deployed a Next.js application for a software engineering boot camp. I am using Vercel for hosting the web app. The problem I am having has been spok

Angular-router not works at vercel

I'm working on the serverless web MEAN and I'm trying to publish on vercel. When I'm trying to access some route through the navigation menu, the router is work

Node engine version problem when deploying to vercel

So I had a nextjs project deployed to vercel, and today I committed a minor change that was deleting some console log statements and it wouldn't deploy anymore.

Why can't I read a JSON file on Vercel when using Next.js SSR?

I have a barebones Next.js project consisting of three main files (listed below) where I'm trying to generate the index page with data from a JSON file. If I de

Server-side rendering not working on production Next.js

I am serving my next.js on Vercel (I tried Amplify as well). Page works but components that require data from getServerSideProps() in my pages/index.tsx are not

Flash Of Unstyled Text (FOUT) on reload using next.js and styled components

I'm using global style from styled components with next.js and every time I reload my page I can see the font flickering. I have my font files in public/fon

How to deploy monorepo powered by turborepo to Vercel?

Recently, Turborepo is acquired by Vercel. So I was excited to experiment with that. I created a turbo repo project by running pnpx create-turbo Then I tried t