Category "velocity"

Plot points moving along the velocity field in Julia

The code below creates velocity field. I plotted a blue point in (0.5,0.5). How do I plot series of points that move alongside the velocity field? using PyPlot

Inconsistencies between Apache Velocity output from production (ubuntu) and local (windows)

I am using apache velocity to generate rtf output from a tomcat web application using user defined templates. The webapp's dependencies are managed by maven, wi

Spawning rigidbodies with velocity

So I am making a gun in a Godot game. I want to use rigidbodies for the bullets, and it spawns like normal out of the gun. However, I cannot seem to find a way

migrate template from velocity to freemarker

I need to migrate some templates from velocity in liferay 6.2 to freemarker for liferay 7.4 dxp, I tried to use the USCavalry tool, but the result is not comple

Java velocity vm file #set use boolean variable

We can not use Boolean variable by #set when I find velocity project guidelines in Apache official site, but it is also worked when I use in my project. #set($

Velocity template cannot be found in Windows 10

My laptop just got upgraded to windows 10 from windows 7, and a piece of code stopped working. A large application using velocity templates which used to work o