Category "vector"

Unity: Convert Vector2 to Vector2Int

I have a Vector2 and I want to convert it into a Vector2Int. I know I could convert the Vector2 with something like this: Vector2 v2 = new Vector2(10, 10); Vec

Is there multiple ways to cin vector elements?

I have a program that adds multiple vectors in 1 vector. I saw a method of instead of .push_back to add elements and I used it, but I am wondering why this work

Updating an intrinsic rotation with an extrinsic rotation

I am trying to model a Rubik's Cube for a personal project, using Zdog for lightweight 3d graphics. Zdog uses a {x,y,z} vector to represent rotation - I believe

How to plot wind vectors on wind map

I have NAM wind models that I create map from but I am struggling to add average wind direction vectors. How do I convert the U and V vectors so they give avera

Virtual Method not calling derived class method (only calling base class) C++

My base class detect() and collect() methods are the only ones being called. I'm trying to get the derived class methods of these to be printed instead. I belie

Handling custom vector classes

I have come across many occasions where I want to have an item which is selected inside a vector, for this I have written the template class: // a vector wrappe

C++: What is the correct cast for offseting to std::vector iterator?

I have a function that takes a std::vector of doubles, and copies them to another vector, but at a particular offset (assume there is sufficient space): void c

Keep getting error message not all control paths return a value

bool isEnemy(const string& check) { if (check == enemy1 || check == enemy2 || check == enemy3) // if the name being checked is an enemy of this kni

How to implement outer product of two vectors in Scheme?

I want to define a function in Scheme that will compute the outer product of two vectors. for example: (outerProduct '(1 2 3) '(4 5)) the output is supposed to

Cache-friendliness std::list vs std::vector

With CPU caches becoming better and better std::vector usually outperforms std::list even when it comes to testing the strengths of a std::list. For this reason

GeoDataFrame is Inverted when I converted from Raster to Vector using RasterIO

I'm currently using this code to convert a raster file to a geodataframe: import rasterio from rasterio.features import shapes mask = None with

Fail to insert the element of the set to the vector in c++

Given a set of integers: set<int> setA = {1,2,3,4,5}; Now I want to insert the integer to a vector of integers under a certain condition: vector<int&g

Return TRUE/FALSE if common elements/no common elements between vectors

I'm looking for an efficient way to create a boolean vector which returns TRUE if one or more of a number of specified variables e.g. c(1,2,3) are in another ve

How to get features from vector layer in Openlayers 3

I am trying to get the features from my vector layer. The vector layer is composed from a GeoJSON document loaded via Geoserver. I tried vector.features but in

Number of Support vectors in SVM

How do I print the number of support vectors for a particular SVM model? Please suggest a code snippet in Python. from sklearn.multiclass import OneVsRestClassi

How to move elements from a set to a vector efficiently?

I have a std::set<vector<int>> from which I would like to move (not copy) elements to a std::vector<vector<int>>. How do I do this? I t

c++: Remove Elements that are in one vector from another

I need to remove the elements that appear in Vector A and Vector B, but keep the elements that are only in Vector A. The vectors can be of any size, but are not

How to combine two vectors of references without consuming an iterator?

I want to combine two reference vectors and convert them into a vector of values without consuming an iterator. Situation: Generate vectors by iterating over sp

Emplace back thread on vector

Why this cause undefined behavior? #include <iostream> #include <thread> #include <vector> std::vector<std::thread> threads(3); void

Why is the vector subscript out of range?

I'm trying to code this really simple addition program for practice. It takes in a list of inputs and stores it in a vector. Then it grabs each consecutive elem