Category "vbscript"

How to get .vbs output in the same window of a .bat file [duplicate]

I have a batch file that does a lot of different things and within that batch file, at some step, I'm running a VBS script. The problem is, th

The "startfile()" function is not working in Python 3.9.7 [duplicate]

I wanted to build a script playing an audio file in the background, so i found code on Stack Overflow to run an audio file without the window

VBA Edge gives unspecific error on ReadyState

Ok so I have this script I did some time ago that was working perfectly fine 1-2 years ago on Internet Explorer however now I am on Windows 11 which has only Ed

Writing a VBS via another VBS

I'm trying to create a VBS via another VBS, but cant handle the quotation marks, and would love to know if it's even possible. That's the 1 line I need in my n

workbooks.add fails when vbs-script is called from Task Scheduler

I have some code in VBscript that creates an excel object and adds a workbook to it Dim oExcel, oWB Set oExcel = CreateObject("excel.application") Set oWB =

"connection.Children(0)" triggers "The enumerator of the collection cannot find en element with the specified index."

I am using a VBScript to login automatically into SAP GUI. It opens automatically the SAP GUI window, it loads the SAP server, but it doesn't populate automatic

Weird characters in email body

I have a little problem with VBScript. There is how it should work. It is a simply code that should go through all emails in particular folder, get particular e

Parse Json string to Classic ASP page

What is the best way to parse json string into classic asp using a library? Dim jsonString jsonString = {"date":"4/28/2017","custType":"100","vehicle":"1"} W

VBS WScript.Run With parameters?

I am trying to make a script to open up Windows movie player after a designated delay, however I cannot get windows Media Player to open up with a file passed a

Can you debug VBScript in Visual Studio?

I was wondering if Visual Studio can run and debug VBScript files? Thank you for your time.

VB script to get IP address from Ping command

I'm trying to write a script to show every server ipaddress that I put into a text file. I've been looking online and came across the script below. What I need

VB script on Cisco Anyconnect VPN

I am new to use VB script. I am using the below code to connect my VPN. But the problem is that after entering "select" button in VPN client, the second page di

VBScript how to join WScript.Arguments?

I am trying to join the arguments to a string to be passed to another script. The following: WScript.Echo(Join(WScript.Arguments)) gives me an error: Error:

vbscript files with spaces and tabs

Got a file that I want to separate and put in columns. Look like some of the fields in file are separated by spaces and other by tabs. I want to format so the

Way to output more than the maximum character limit in a msgbox?

I need to display a rather long message to the user in a msgbox. However there are instances where the msgbox seems to hit it's character limit. What's a soluti

Accessing an email attachment as an object

OK so I have a script that goes through my outlook inbox looking for a particular header string. This works great for emails directly in my inbox. Now I'm tryin

Make vbs wait until a time and then run a batch script

I want to make a vbscript that waits until its 11:00AM and when it turns that time i want it to launch a batch script. I only know how to use WScript.Sleep B

vbscript - SQL Windows Authentication - different user

I want to read data from an SQL Database in my VBS Script. My problem: I need to logon with Windows Authentication and not with an SQL Account. But I cannot use

Get nested json value using ASP Classic and aspJSON

Good afternoon, I'm using aspJSON ( to analyze a json that I have below: { "pedido":1507WSC, "destino":"Brasil", "Pas

Read and write binary file in VBscript

I used earlier ADODB.Stream to read and to write binary file here is the link for that How to concatenate binary file using in VBscript it works