Category "validation"

Vue3: How to get error messages with Bootstrap and VeeValidate 4?

I want to use vue3 together with bootstrap 4/5 with veevalidate 4. <template> <Form as="form" @submit.prevent="onFormSubmit" class="needs-validation" :

Register is not a function when passing as a prop?

I use react-hook-form for the first time. I was reading the docs and followed along. Likewise, I already laid out my components and styled them. Now I am trying

How to validate for length of an integer in Json Schema?

Simulator: It looks like json schema validation does not check for regex patterns for integers. How to validate f

ReactJS Formik display error message in Red color

In ReactJS i am developing one Class component and using Formik for validation. I am able to do validation but error message is display as a normal color (blac

trouble showing desired checkbox validation state w/ bootstrap5 for django model form w/ m2m field and checkboxselectmultiple widget

I have a checkboxselectmultiple on an m2m model field in an ModelForm that is required - meaning at least one of the choices must be selected. I am using the b

angular 13 form validation dynamic input textbox show error on touch

angular 13 form validation dynamic input textbox validation I'm adding input text boxes dynamically. But form validations are showing by default when I click ad

How to use validator in Django depending on the database data?

I'm making a web app that keeps tracks of a small business. For that purpose I have two models designed in my app. One of which is all the storage information a

Spring @Valid Message Not Coming Through in Response

I have a CQRS Rest API using Spring and Axon. Validation is setup for inputs using the javax.validation library. The validation is working properly, and catchin

Bootstrap validation in a dual-purpose form not working

I have a form that is used for both Adding and Editing an Organisation. If the form is in Add mode (default) then you also create a default Admin user as part o

In my WPF control, can I hide the validation control based on the size of the adorned element's row?

I have a user control with many sub controls within a grid. Since there are many controls per row, I'm controlling the visibility of the controls by setting the

How to format and validate email node js

I would like that email had format like: [email protected]. Which is the best way to do it? I have a component for registration and I have the field like this: <mat-f

Open A New Page After Form Validation JavaScript

I want to open a new page after i validated my form.There is no problem with validating it .But my form never submits ,and the html page i want to redirect to m

Laravel display validation error

I try use this code: @foreach($errors->all() as $error) <li>{!! $error !!}</li> @endforeac

Laravel unique validation on multiple columns

I have 2 columns in table servers. I have columns ip and hostname. I have validation: 'data.ip' => ['required', 'unique:servers,ip,'.$this->id] This

How to use yup validation on dynamic form using react-hook-form with useFieldArray

I'm trying to create a dynamic form using react-hook-form's useFieldArray hook. The user should be able to add or remove fields, thus making it dynamic. I've lo

Extracting a type and constraint from a Joi schema

If I have a schema: const schema = Joi.object({ title: Joi.string().trim().alphanum().min(3).max(50).required().messages({ "string.base": `Must be t

is there any way to validate a field that sometime is File(image) && sometime is String(Src of same image)

my problem : i am using laravel framework php i want validate a field witch my field sometime is File(image) and sometime is String(src of same image) is there

Try...catch not working as expected in Google Apps Script

[Edited to include a minimal reproducible example as suggested by T.J. Crowder.] I'm working on a simple function using Google Apps Script that is supposed to

JSON error: " Expecting 'STRING', '}', got 'undefined'"

EDIT: I changed the single-quotes to double-quotes and the linters don't complain. I put this into and I got this error: Error: Parse error on line

My custom validation annotation is not working in Spring Boot

i have created an annotation that has features such as checking if the entered string is null or at the assigned value.But the annotation doesn't work. I don't