Category "vaadin"

Accessing Microsoft Graph API in Vaadin 23 + Spring Security + Azure AD

I'm developing an enterprise Vaadin application and I'd like to know if anyone has figured out how I can obtain the JWT token to make (from backend) a request t

Vaadin 14 popup with button and context menu

I want to have a context menu like this Basic ContextMenu, that shows on button click. Each of the entries of the context menu should open a new window. priva

Migrate Vaadin 8 to 14: Widgetset 'xx.MyAppWidgetset' does not contain an implementation for com.vaadin.mpr.MprUIContent

We are migrating from Vaadin 8 to Vaadin Flow 14. In order to migrate piece by piece, MPR is used. We use Flow 14's Route for navigation. For each view we creat

Need to get the actual Ip address in vaadin 8.8.5

I am trying to get the actual ip address in the vaadin version 8.8.5 below is the code I am using VaadinRequest.getCurrent().getHeader("X-Forwarded-For") b

Chrome crashes when try to use spell checker to correct the spelling of words in a Vaadin text field

When I try to use Google Chrome's spell checker to correct the spelling of words in a text field or text area, Chrome crashes and displays the “Aw, Snap!&

Fundamentals.How can you use Lazy fetching in Spring+Hibernate+=Vaadin after the session closes

There is the Customer entity which has a one to many relationship to entity Address,so there is a List<Address> getAddress in Customer.Entity Address has

Vaadin 23 Flow - Spring Boot - Live Reload not working

I recently updated my Vaadin Flow Project to the newest Version 23.0.1. It all did great, but the LiveReload (detecting Java-FileChanges) doesnt work at all (It

Web components with vaadin and rollup with svelte: Primary button ignores theme attribute

Maybe someone tried this before and is able to give me a hint. I have used normal svelte setup (mentioned in the main page) which scaffolds the app; npx degit s

Both ENTER shortcut and TextArea in Vaadin

TextField f = new TextField(); Button b = new Button("Save"); b.setClickShortcut(KeyCode.ENTER); // For quick saving from text field itself TextArea longText =