Category "urllib3"

TypeError about needing 'bytes' not 'str' in Python

I'm attempting to use the Backblaze B2 API to eventually iterate through some .ai files I have there, but the code that Backblaze provides in their documentatio

how to get data in json using urllib3 in python

I am making simple ip-info provider using python-urllib3, how should i fetch data to values import json import urllib3 while True: ip=input("Enter Ip Addr

Converting a CURL into python script

I am trying to convert a Curl POST request into a python script, and i am not getting the desired output, please let me know what i am doing wrong here. CURL r

Reenable urllib3 warnings

I have a portion of my code where I knowingly make an Insecure Request. So I disable warnings with urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequest

counting words inside a webpage

I need to count words that are inside a webpage using python3. Which module should I use? urllib? Here is my Code: def web(): f =("urllib.request.urlopen(