Category "unix"

shell script to print sum of digits of the given num.In case of negative num is given as input, display Not a positive num as o/p

I'm getting the proper output, but only for positive inputs. read n g=$n s=0 k= if [ $n -gt 0 ] ; then echo "Not a positive number" else while [ $n -gt 0 ]

Identify the files year wise and delete from a dir in unix

I need to list out the files which are created in a specific year and then to delete the files. year should be the input. i tried with date it is working for me

Unzip specific files in a ARR file within a Tar.gz

i'am currently trying to unzip some specific files within a ARR file. This ARR file is within a tar.gz file. Is it possible to unzip these files without a inter

Trying to delete all shared memory and semaphore arrays in ipcs but get permission denied?

Can't find this anywhere online but when trying to delete semaphore arrays and shared memory using ipcrm -m id. I get this error permission denied for id (<i

Extract a string between double quotes from the 6th line of a file in Unix and assign it to variable

Newbie to unix/shell/bash. I have a file name CellSite whose 6th line is as below: btsName = "RV74XC038", I want to extract the string from 6th line that i

Getting the error: bash: (program): cannot execute binary file: Exec format error, on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows

There is a program developed for linguistic research ( When I try to run the parser using Git bash terminal on W

Change indented multiline string in file in terminal

i want to change multiline string within particular marks that is indented in file, example looks like this: non_important_array: [ text ], impo

Which of these answers are the equivalent of O_RDWR on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS?

I have been given a list of the following check box containing all possible solutions to the question of choosing all true answers equivalent to O_RDWR on Ubunt

Postman to prometheus and carriage "\r"?. text format parsing error in line 1: expected float as value, got "1\r"

Just trying to add new metric to Prometheus through the Postman, but getting text format parsing error in line 1: expected float as value, got "1\r" Metric ju

ignoring specific exit code in bash

Note: Question does not duplicate Ignoring specific errors in a shell script . Suppose it is needed to capture the leading characters of a encoded representati

How do you set your pythonpath in an already-created virtualenv?

What file do I edit, and how? I created a virtual environment.

Can't Run Go Bin In Terminal

I have been executing my Golang code on Visual Studio in the terminal for the past few weeks. All of a sudden I am trying to run a program I made, and it does n

Can't Run Go Bin In Terminal

I have been executing my Golang code on Visual Studio in the terminal for the past few weeks. All of a sudden I am trying to run a program I made, and it does n

How to download protected files from onedrive using WGET

I need to download an excel spreadsheet from Onedrive shared location to our unix server using WGET or CURL. I am able to download an un-protected link without

Relacing a word in an db2 sql file causes DSNC105I : End of file reached while reading the command error

I have a dynamic sql file in which name of TBCREATOR changes as given in a parameter. I use a simple python script to change the TBCREATOR=<variable here>

Confusion with AF_INET, with SOCK_RAW as the socket type, V/S AF_PACKET, with SOCK_DGRAM and SOCK_RAW as the socket type

I am quite new to network programming and have been trying to wrap my head around this for quite sometime now. After going through numerous resources over the i

Linux Time Zone Warning

I'd like to know the meaning of the alert message that occurs in the Linux time zone. timedatectl Warning: Ignoring the TZ variable. Reading the system's time

Where does Python search for modules after installing Anaconda?

Previously, I have been using Python 2.7. If I installed a module using pip, it would place the module in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages. Then, if I wer

list of logged in unique users in linux

I am working in linux environment as a non root user. I am using users command to get the logged in users users But it returns the user names multiple times

How to check that virtualenvwrapper has been installed for VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python etc

I'm following this guide on virtualenv for Python and have run into a little problem: Sahands-MBP:empty sahandzarrinkoub$ source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapp