Category "uniswap"

Dai balanceof showing 0 for my address after successful Uniswap swap transaction on Ganache

I am using Ganache to test out real smart contracts and protocols like minting a NFT, Uniswap , AAve etc. When I run a transaction to mint a NFT I am able to se

Adding Liquidity to Pancakeswap in Testnet

I need help with my code. I want to create a simple Smart Contract with adding Liquidity to Pancakeswap. I tried many different things, but the transaction alwa

Learning Uniswap

I was watching the state of the WETH-DAI pool on Ropsten which was (10435607102899899961933, 422393388012675303130025) and its 0.3% fee. So its market maker k =

Uniswap v3 revert after createAndInitializePoolIfNecessary

I use the official deploy tool "successfully" to deploy Uniswap v3 to a EVM comparable testnet. After NonfungiblePositionManager.createAndInitializePoolIfNecess