Category "uibutton"

Animate a UILabel and UIButton within a single UIView.transition block?

I need to animate the change of the value of a UILabel and a UIButton's image property. I currently use two UIView.transition blocks which seem to work fine, bu

How set UIButton size by it's title size?

I have UIButton, which title is dynamic changes. Button size should changes with title size and will be equal title size. How to do this programmatically in Sw

Rotate UIButton 360 degrees

I've been trying to run an animation that rotates my UIButton 360 degrees using this code: UIView.animateWithDuration(3.0, animations: { self.vineTimeCapButt

How to remove the top and bottom padding of UIButton, when create it using auto layout?

When create UIButton with auto layout, the intrinsicContentSize always contain different top/bottom padding according to different text font size. I try to set

How to change font of UIButton with Swift

I am trying to change the font of a UIButton using Swift... myButton.font = UIFont(name: "...", 10) However .font is deprecated and I'm not sure how to chang

Make a UIButton programmatically in Swift

I am trying to build UIs programmatically with Swift. How can I get this action working? override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() // Do any add

SWIFT: Button Title changing back to original title unwarranted

So I have the following code which executes upon tapping one side or another of my segmented control: @IBAction func logInOrSignUpIndexChanged(_ sender: UISegme

Select/deselect buttons swift xcode 7

Part way done with learning swift but I hit a small wall and yet again, I'm sure I'm just a bit new at this and an easy solution is there but I'm having trouble

How to make a UIButton looks like a email link button?

I am doing a contact us page. Here I want to add a email link and also I want to open the iPhone's default mail app while clicking that link. I don't know how t

Setting the titleLabel.font property of a of a UIButton not working

In currently working with iOS 7 and I an attempting to increase the font size of the titleLabel of my UIButton. I am doing it like this, [[_centerButton titleL

UIButton label text is being clipped

I have a UIButton built in Interface Builder that has a default label. In Xcode, I'm changing the label text dynamically like so: myButton.titleLabel.text = @"