Category "udp"

How to plot data from UDP stream coming from F1 2019 game, my lineplot comes up blank

I have this below code in which I am getting data packets from UDP from the game. However, when running this code I am getting a blank plot, I want to plot Spee

Why are External NAT ports different when both NATs are restricted cone?

I'm in the progress of implementing my own Signaling server with UDP hole punching, everything have been smooth up until both hosts were behind Restricted Cone

Why are External NAT ports different when both NATs are restricted cone?

I'm in the progress of implementing my own Signaling server with UDP hole punching, everything have been smooth up until both hosts were behind Restricted Cone

How to correctly close netty channel without workgroup termination

I have following binding to handle UDP packets private void doStartServer() { final UDPPacketHandler udpPacketHandler = new UDPPacketHandler(messageDeco

C#: Problem receiving UDP packet from device connected via mobile hotspot

I'm having a problem with simple UDP packet receive from a device connected remotely via Windows mobile hotspot. The device (an esp32 wifi board) connects to th

WebRTC lowest possible latency

I have a simple UDP streaming protocol that takes RAW H264 video frames and sends them instantly from server side to the client side. Using this protocol I can

Netty shutdown/Stop UDP server

I'm trying to create Netty UDP listener. The problem I faced is that I can't stop udp server like tcp, the udp always is running, even with shutdowngracefully c

Why socks5 UDP association terminates when the TCP connection that the UDP ASSOCIATE request arrived on terminates?

As socks5 rfc says, A UDP association terminates when the TCP connection that the UDP ASSOCIATE request arrived on terminates. I wonder, doesn't "the TCP conn

Convert UDP to TCP - Ngrok TCP => UDP

I'm in a hurry at the moment. My Question is, is there a way to forward UDP to TCP port? I need this for hosting a game server for my friends, I want to host C

Gstreamer cant play stream from other pc: h264->rtp->udp

I want to stream a h264 video over UDP to another pc. I am using this pipeline to produce the stream:videotestsrc ! video/x-raw,width=400,height=400,framerate=7

Need a dynamic size buffer when listening to a udpsocket

This is the current code listening to the udpsocket at port: 34254 use std::net::UdpSocket; use std::str; fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> { {

Socket Python 3 UDP ConnectionResetError: [WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

I have Socket Problem import socket serverName = "herk-PC" serverPort = 12000 clientSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_DGRAM) message = input

How to live stream a local video using FFmpeg

I am trying to get used to the FFmpeg library, and currently, I have been trying to stream local video on VLC using FFmpeg. The command I have been using is:

How to test that my router is forwarding in-bound UDP packets?

After UDP port forwarding has been configured on my home router, either through UPnP or by logging into the router and setting it up manually, how can I test th

Receive UDP packets with python, packet loss

I'm having a lot of packet loss using UDP in python. I know I should use TCP if I don't want packet loss, but I don't have (full) controll over the sender. It'

C# UDP Server Asynchronous Multiple Clients | SocketException When Client Disconnect

I've been working on a socket server program in C# (I was inspired from this post) and my problem is that when a client disconnects an exception "An existing co

How to create UDP socket connection to receive data from gstreamer udpsink?

I want to create a UDP socket connection to receive data from GStreamer udpsink. When I create a Gstreamer pipeline using udpsink, VLC can play the stream. I wa

C# UDP Broadcast and receive example

Problem: I am trying to bind a udp socket on a specific address. I will broadcast out a message. That same socket will need to be able to receive messages. Cur