Category "type-conversion"

How to convert a float64 variable into a string?

I try to convert my float64 variable into str with : data['Abo_str'] = data['Abo'].isnull().astype(str) But the result is False. How can I do it ? Thx

convert dictionary to abstract matrix in julia

I'm trying to do dimension reduction, and I got a: d = Dict{Tuple{String, String}, Vector{Float64}} Trying to apply umap on it. While umap can only accepts abs

Ambiguous overload error when using conversion function

I am trying to understand overloading resolution in C++ through the books listed here. One such example that i wrote to clear my concepts whose output i am unab

Why is Signed Overflow due to computation still Undefined Behavior in C++20

I came to know through this answer that: Signed overflow due to computation is still undefined behavior in C++20 while Signed overflow due to conversion is wel

Python:Pandas - Object to string type conversion in dataframe

I'm trying to convert object to string in my dataframe using pandas. Having following data: particulars NWCLG 545627 ASDASD KJKJKJ ASDASD TGS/ASDWWR42045645010

Is there any good reason for columns to be characters instead of factors?

This may seem like a silly question, but after working with R for a couple of months, I realised I often find myself converting strings to factors as, for examp

Is there a C function to convert a string with a number in base X to a string in base Y?

I am aware that strtol(hexstring, NULL, 16) will convert my string hexstring, which is hexadecimal, to a decimal. Likewise this would be the case in binary in s

uint16_t array to string and back c++

I have a uint16_t array and I want to be able to convert it to a string and convert it back. The goal is to save the array with this library and load it back in

Treat Oracle subtype as supertype

I have a query that uses Oracle's MDSYS.ST_GEOMETRY type (link): select mdsys.st_point(1, 2, 26917) from dual Output: [MDSYS.ST_POINT] The query outp

How to calculate the range of data type float in c++?

As we can see int has 4 byte in memory, that are 32bits, after applying range formula , we can see range of int -2147483648 to 2147483647. I have calculated the

Convert UDT subtype to supertype

I use a user-defined type (UDT) in Oracle 18c called ST_GEOMETRY: The ST_Geometry storage type ST_Geometry in Oracle SQL functions used with ST_Geometry I have

[]byte(string) vs []byte(*string)

I'm curious as why Go doesn't provide a []byte(*string) method. From a performance perspective, wouldn't []byte(string) make a copy of the input argument and ad

How do I idiomatically convert a bool to an Option or Result in Rust?

It seems there is no way of such one-line conversion using std. I do not like this kind of verbosity: match my_bool { true => Ok(()), false => Err

SSIS - Intermittent error "Conversion failed because the data value overflowed the specified type."

I have an SSIS package which intermittently fails with a handful of errors, the two most informative of which are: DFT_PlaySummary SSIS Error Code DTS_E_O

Convert python int into int16_t type

I know that python int can be converted into an c int type using ctypes.But how do I convert a python int into an int16_t type? I have tried: import ctypes as

Convert python int into int16_t type

I know that python int can be converted into an c int type using ctypes.But how do I convert a python int into an int16_t type? I have tried: import ctypes as

Converting pandas.DataFrame to bytes

I need convert the data stored in a pandas.DataFrame into a byte string where each column can have a separate data type (integer or floating point). Here is a

SQL error "ORA-01722: invalid number"

A very easy one for someone, The following insert is giving me the ORA-01722: invalid number why? INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES (1,'MALADY','Claire','27 S

convert uint8_t array to string in c++

This can be marked solved. The problem was the print macro. ESP_LOGx can't put out c++ Strings. I'm trying to convert an uin8_t array to a string in c++. The a

Convert float to String and String to float in Java

How could I convert from float to string or string to float? In my case I need to make the assertion between 2 values string (value that I have got from table)