Category "ttk"

Difference Between Variable And Textvariable in tkinter

My code: my_var = tk.StringVar() m_var2 = tk.StringVar() my_entry1 = ttk.Entry(root, width=16, textvariable=my_var) my_radio1 = ttk.Radiobutton(root, text="1

How to change the width of a tkk Scrollbar in a custom style?

When defining a custom style for ttk Scrollbar, I'm stuck how can I change the width of the scrollbar. I have noticed that the width (thickness) shrinks when I

Tkinter/ttk themed Message Box?

I started making a GUI with Tkinter and I added the module tkMessageBox as well. But recently I discovered that importing the module ttk gives more "up-to-date"

How to change font size in ttk.Button?

This is my problem, I was building an interface for a program, but for needs of the bosses, the font must be larger. I have changed the font size of every widge