Category "ts-node"

How to use ts-node regardless of errors?

I've got some trouble with ts-node when I develop. I want to test something, so as you know, comment is my best friend. But with ts-node I've got this error :

ts-node-dev not restarting when changes made

Here are my files : package.json : "scripts": { "generate-interfaces": "ts-node src/cli/generate-interfaces.ts", "dist": "npm run generate-interfaces &&

Cannot find module that is defined in tsconfig `paths`

I am trying to setup aliases for my mock server. Whenever I try to compile ts files, it returns error that it couldn't find proper modules even though those are

How to use normal imports and top-level await at the same time?

I want to use imports (import x from y) and top-level awaits at the same time with ts-node. However if I change my tsconfig.compilerOptions.module to es2017 or

Why does the node inspector not start when I am using nodemon and ts-node?

I have a simple node server written in typescript. My package.json is configured as: "scripts": { "build": "tsc", "dev": "nodemon --watch src/**/* -e ts,js