Category "time"

What is the most precise delay/sleep function in python

I was making an auto-clicker which has a cps of about 1500, to tune the cps to about 100-1200 cps I need a delay of accuracy about 1ms. Through my experimentati

I have an issue with coding this section of my project

i am trying to implement a piece of code that waits for a certain time before allowing a user to do something i've been using help from the Internet and a codi

12 hour to 24 hour time conversion

I am trying to write this c++ program from hackerrank but in my output all I am getting is a blank space. The input string is in the form of HH:MM:SSpp where

Excel problem: Exported from OBIEE to Excel analysis adding time part to a date column

There is a date column used in OBIEE analysis. That column is declared as 'date' datatype in Oracle table, type in rpd is also 'DATE'. However, when exported to

JS how to add hours and minutes to scheduled date

I need to be able to let clients schedule a certain type of meeting for a future date, the meeting duration I get back from the database is in minutes. I need t

Time Flow Chart in SSRS (2016)?

I am trying to create a report table in SSRS 2016 but I am not sure how to go about it or if it is possible. I am trying to recreate something similar to that

How to show time in AM or PM format from TimeOfDay with flutter?

I used ShowTimePicker class to select time according to my wish but want to show it in PM or AM with Text .like 9:00 AM, 10:00 PM. means take 12 hours format.

How to get time difference in mins in Python

I have a time representation as string in the format: 9:00 am 8:45 pm e.g., 12-hour, no leading hour 0, am/pm suffix I need to get the time difference in minut

Query RTC and NTP time in Linux?

The way the Linux kernel handle time is somewhat complicated as it uses different source of time, and regularly resynchronize everything. There are command-line

postgres time conversion to hh:mm

Using PostgreSQL database for my attendance application. I have a table with IN and out times ( format). When I subtract the times (OUT -IN) to ca

Having trouble computing time complexity of a given function in Python

I am learning about time complexity now, and I am working with BST (Binary Search Trees). This question needs some context and this is a follow up post to this

Pandas resample by integration over time with non equidistant data

I have a DataFrame with a Datetimeindex with non equidistant timestamps. I want to get the mean for each hour. But by using resample.mean(), the time distance b

Precise loop timing in Python

For this project I'm designing a sequencer/drummachine that should be able to send MIDI notes with a precise tempo. Example: 16 notes per 2 seconds (i.e. in mus

Separate PHP script in a cron job

I have about 10 accounts. Also, I have a cron job with php script which executes every minute. This script is working for each client one by one. The problem is

Adding hours, minutes, seconds to current time

How do I add hours, minutes, and seconds (defined as ints) to the current time, similar to AddDate? timein := time.Now().Local().AddDate(Hours, Mins, Sec) bu

Why is setInterval making infinite loops

I'm trying to set a timer so it display the seconds and min left of an user and I'm using setInterval to get the seconds and if there are 60 seconds it will red

Pandas Rolling window to calculate sum of the same items of the last n days

Following up with this question, now I would like to calculate the sum/mean of a different column given the same grouping on a rolling window. Here is the code

flutter: how to change current date and time from my app

Flutter or kotlin or Java: How to change the current device date and time from my app. without going to device settings. My phone time is now 6:45 and I want to

Get DNS resolution time with BATCH (cmd)

I'm trying to obtain the resolution time of my DNS server, but I'm not sure that I'm doing it well. First of all I tried to make a ping to my DNS server IP, a

How do you deal with wall-clock times without date in Go?

I'd like to know if there is any existing package to deal with datetimes without date in Golang. The problem is as follows. Imagine I want to store information