Category "text-processing"

tensorflow2.x keras Embedding layer process tf.dataset error

This question is a follow-up of tensorflow 2 TextVectorization process tensor and dataset error I would like to make do a word embedding for the processed text

tensorflow 2 TextVectorization process tensor and dataset error

I would like to process text with tensorflow 2.8 on Jupyter notebook. my code: import re import string import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow import keras from

How to display /proc/meminfo in Megabytes?

I want to thank you for helping me my related issue. I know if I do a cat /proc/meminfo it will only display in kB. How can I display in MB? I really want to us

grep search with regex

how to find a line that contains exactly 3 "w", 5 "t" and no "v" with grep? Input: ---------- aabbccddd4444 wccwwtttjjttuu zzxxxwwwmmmnnnn Expected output: --

How to grab text after newline in a text file no clean of spaces, tabs [closed]

Assume this: It needs to pass a file name as an argument. This is the only text I’m showing. The remaining text has more data (not shown

User Warning: Your stop_words may be inconsistent with your preprocessing

I am following this document clustering tutorial. As an input I give a txt file which can be downloaded here. It's a combined file of 3 other txt files divided