Category "testng"

"TestNG No tests found. Nothing was run" while executing automated tests using Selenium through TestNG

I want to know what exact software should I install before I run my automation project. Selenium web driver, selenium java, testNG, junit was installed but th

log4j2 logs are not getting logged in auto generated log file under logs folder

Here i am trying to save my logs generated during execution in logs file i have used with Testng listener to save my logs , my log4j2.propertie

alternate way to set Build and run using IntelliJ IDEA

I am working with Java source code with TestNG and frequently see errors like no test found to run OR Test event were not received whenever I try to run test ca

alternate way to set Build and run using IntelliJ IDEA

I am working with Java source code with TestNG and frequently see errors like no test found to run OR Test event were not received whenever I try to run test ca

TestNG Gradle how to run multiple suites in parallel

I was wondering if there is a way to run multiple test suites in parallel with TestNG + Gradle. I have a master suite file which contains other individual suite

Is it possible to execute cucumber scenario's in parallel on different browsers(chrome and firefox) at same time?

I succeeded to run cucumber scenario's in parallel but only on one browsertype(chrome or firefox). So first I run my tests on chrome. When tests finish I start

@MockBean not fluent with testNG

With JUnit i could use @MockBean easily : @SpringBootTest(classes = AppConfig.class) @RunWith(SpringRunner.class) public @Log class ServiceDrhImplT

Is it possible for TestNg to show Cucumber Steps (And Hooks)

I have a project with Gradle + Cucumber + TestNG + Spring. Everything is with last versions and runs smooth. The only problem I have is when I run tests from th

While running suits using testng.xml getting null pointer Exception , While able to Run Individual tests case WITH TESTNG

i created the Three suites while trying to run all of them using Testng.xml getting Nullpointer Exception. Mentioned after the code of all three suites.xml code

how to solve "Your Connection Is Not Private" on katalon

While running katalon testcases on windows. I am facing "Your connection is not private" How can I bypass this in headless Chrome? I have tried to use web UI

Parallel tests in Android with cucumber, appium and testNG in java

I have 5 real devices in which I want to execute 20 tests, for example: 4 tests in each device in parallel, that is, in device 1 test 1 is executed, when the te

Run Java Selenium tests in Azure DevOps release pipeline

I'm doing a POC for a Java project in an AzureDevops CI/CD pipeline. I created a Maven project that has Selenium tests (TestNG) that run against a demo website

How to properly remove a dependency in a Maven project

I have a Java Maven project where I have some dependencies defined in the pom.xml file. Recently I decided to move from Junit to TestNG so I deleted the Junit d

Difference between Soft Assert And Verify

Is there any difference between Soft assert and Verify? I am well aware that Verify is implemented using SoftAssert class. And when any of the methods fails,

Gradle Issue with TestNG : No tests found for given includes

I am having difficulties with testNG + Gradle. My tests have worked fine, but I made some changes to the file where I have tests, and now this issue pops up. "E

How to add listeners class in testng.xml?

I got the error message as shown below as I was trying to add listeners class in testng.xml, I will be really grateful if you could give me a clue. Thanks a mil

Eclipse TestNG java.lang.AssertionError

My code works, TestNG works, I got results as expected, but this error appears at the end of TestNG results: Error code: java.lang.AssertionError: Couldn't fin

Eclipse -- Testng references non-existing project XXX, launch configuration

When trying to run a test as a TestNG suite, I would get a very cryptic error message saying that TestNG can't launch because it references a non-existant proje

How to run TestNG test several times with BeforeTest execution?

I try to execute the test several times with DataProvider. All works fine, but @BeforeTest and @AfterTest execute only one time, but I need this execution with

How to run TestNG test several times with BeforeTest execution?

I try to execute the test several times with DataProvider. All works fine, but @BeforeTest and @AfterTest execute only one time, but I need this execution with