Category "tensorflow-lite"

How to use MediaPipe in C#?

I would like to use the Face Mesh application from Media Pipe in a C# project. As the library is not impemented in C#, I looked for solutions. I found that my f

Is it possible to create labels.txt manually?

I recently convert my model to tensorflow lite but I only got the .tflite file and not a labels.txt for my Android project. So is it possible to create my own l

TFlite model.process() sometimes needs input data TensorImage and sometimes TensorBuffer to process an image? Are there different image input data?

Some TFlite models model.process() seems to need TensorBuffer and other rather needs TensorImage . I don't know why? First, I took a regular TensorFlow / Keras

Does TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers support Google Edge TPU?

I already know that TensorFlow Lite (TFL) supports the Google Edge TPU, for instance through the Coral Dev Board (Linux required). However I'd like to know whet

TensorFlow static C API library - how to link with 10 sub-dependencies?

I am trying to link with static C API version of the TensorFlow library. I built the static library using the following commands: // get the sources git clone h

I can't install Tensorflow Model Maker on Apple Silicon

I have the Apple M1 Pro chip and cannot get my tensorflow project running. I followed the installation instructions from Apple's site. When I run pip install -r

Tensorflow Lite model maker: training chart possible?

i am using the Tensorflow Lite Model Maker library to train an efficient model for object detection. It works well, but I don’t know how to get graphs of

Tensorflow Lite model maker: training chart possible?

i am using the Tensorflow Lite Model Maker library to train an efficient model for object detection. It works well, but I don’t know how to get graphs of

TensorFlow convert from .pb to .tflite failes due to ops error

Hey everyone this is my first question post. If I do something wrong or u need more information please just tell me I will try to give my best. I tried to creat

tflite: get_tensor on non-output tensors gives random values

I'm trying to debug my tflite model, that uses custom ops. I've found the correspondence between op names (in *.pb) and op ids (in *.tflite), and I'm doing a la

How to Use Custom yolov4 weights in iOS app

I following these steps: Obtained YOLO v4 weights after training on my custom dataset Converted weights to TensorFlow checkpoints Converted Tensorflow checkpoin