Category "tensorflow-datasets"

How to acquire's shape?

I know dataset has output_shapes, but it shows like below: data_set: DatasetV1Adapter shapes: {item_id_hist: (?, ?), tags: (?, ?), client_platform: (?,), en

how to get string value out of tf.tensor which dtype is string

I want to use function to feed my datasets. But because the file is not image, I need to load it manually. The problem is

How to replace make_one_shot_iterator () from google machine learning crash course

I am following the Google Machine Learning Intensive Course. But it uses version 1.x of TensorFlow, so I was planning to change the exercises to be able to run

How to replace make_one_shot_iterator () from google machine learning crash course

I am following the Google Machine Learning Intensive Course. But it uses version 1.x of TensorFlow, so I was planning to change the exercises to be able to run

Using as training input to Keras model NOT working

I have a simple code, which DOES work, for training a Keras model in Tensorflow using numpy arrays as features and labels. If I then wrap these numpy arrays usi

How to feed in a list of numpy arrays into a TensorFlow model?

I have a large list of numpy arrays that I want to feed into a TensorFlow model. I can not concatenate the lists into one due to RAM memory issues. Below, I hav

Using tf.keras.utils.image_dataset_from_directory with label list

I have list of labels corresponding numbers of files in directory example: [1,2,3] train_ds = tf.keras.utils.image_dataset_from_directory( train_path, label

sliding window on a tensor

I'm trying to build a simple word generator. However, I encounter some difficulty with the sliding windows. here is my actual code: files = glob("transfdata/*")

Is there a way to convert a list of dict back to

I used tfds.load to load Cityscapes dataset. The object is enumerable and returns a dict for each enumeration. I added another value to each dic iterator returning Tensor("IteratorGetNext:1", shape=(None, 16), dtype=int32) but cannot get the values of the Tensors

I am trying to write a Custom Model in which I am writing a custom train_step function I am creating a '` from a Custom Datagenerator like tds =

tensorflow AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'data'

I try to Importing Data I try to load a tfrecords dataset that I created. But I always get this Error. Here is the code: import tensorflow as tf EPOCHS = 10 BA

How can I access the filenames gathered by

I am using file_data ="../*.png") to collect image files for training in TensorFlow, but would like to access the list of gathere

Error when downloading datasets in tensorflow_dataset: GCS inacssibile

I have a problem to load data using tfds. When I try to load the data I got the following error. ValueError: GCS bucket inaccessible To solve the problem I u