Category "symfony5"

How to pass HTTP response to JSON?

I am working on a code base where controller have following lines of codes. The controller checks for exception and return JSON response if no error, otherwise

Doctrine entity listener not firing using YAML configuration

When i use the following annotation within an entity, the listener for it is called successfully. The problem with using the annotation rather than configuring

How to access Session in PHPUnit WebTestCase (Symfony 5)

I'm trying to test methods which requires Sessions in my PHPUnit WebTestCase, with no success. PHP 8.0, Symfony 5.4 Here's my code: When user log-in, I'm saving

Symfony 5 : Authentication failed in prod env

I have an application that I'm trying to upload to my FTP server. I've run : symfony console make:user and also symfony console make:auth So while running the s

TooManyRequestsException with Amazon Product Advertising API

I'm starting to develop a simple Symfony 5 application. It uses Amazon Product Advertising API 5.0 with the paapi5-php-sdk package (provided by TheWirecutter, s

Cannot get file of FormData (angular 13) from Symfony 5.4

I hope you are fine, I have a problem to get file of FormData in Angular 13 send to Symfony 5.4. onFileSelected1(event:any){ const file:File = event.t