Category "swiper.js"

Swiper slider: slide change to other div

I have created a parallax slider but I have one big problem with changing the slider. I can change the slider when my mouse is inside the blue zone As you coul

Continue to scroll after Swiper.js last slide

I'm needing some help with Swiper.js I have a site I'm working on and what I want to happen is after the last slide

Swiper.js slidesPerGroup or slidesPerView not grouping the odd items

I'm using Swiper.js for a slider on a website I'm building for a client. Their requirement is something like this: There are 10 items inside the slider, 4 will

How can I test swiper with Jest?

I'm creating unit testing of Swiper using Jest. Here is my code: ● Test

Swiper.js slide width

There was a big problem with Swiper.js Is it possible to somehow make the width of the slides equal to the width of the content again? At the moment, all slides

Swiper grid module is not working in Next.js app

For two days, I've been really struggling to run a functional Swiper Grid option with my Next.js app. I've tried many stackoverflow solutions and tried differen

How to change centered slide by clicking on desired slide in swiper.js?

I use swiper in centeredSlides mode and loop option is true. I want to when I click on a slide, that slide set as centered slide in swiper carousel. Swiper give

How to use framer motion animation with swiper.js (React)?

So the animations are only occurring during the initial page reload. I want the animations to execute every time I scroll down to another page. How do I use rea