Category "svelte-store"

Why use a factory for a custom store vs. just exporting an object

I'm going through the Svelte tutorial and I'm on the custom store page ( The sample code is written using a factory f

How to use Svelte store with tree-like nested object?

The Svelte official tutorial employs such complex object in its document for <svelte:self> let root = [ { type: 'folder', name: 'Impor

How to animate array values in svelte with tweened store?

I have a writable store with following data let array= writable({ skills: [{ id: 1,

Sveltekit - How to access a "reactive context" (a store passed down via context) in the Script tag of Child Component?

I'm initialising a Class in the onMount function of a Parent Wrapper component and want to expose it to all the children. I'm currently using a writable store t