Category "sublimetext3"

Every time I launch SublimeText 3 I get an error. How to win?

Every time I launch SublimeText 3 I get an error. How to win? Package Control The following incompatible package was found ınstalled: Twig Ths is usually

sublime text 3 high memory usage

recently noticed high memory usage of Sublime Text 3 (3.2.2 Build 3211) and it became slower I have only 2 files opened, they are python files with 100-300 line

Cycle to previous suggestions in VSCode

Hi, is there a way in Visual Studio Code to cycle to suggested keywords even when you already selected one of them (by clicking TAB multiple times)? This is p

Tab size wrong with EditorConfig and SublimeText 3

With SublimeText3 my .editorconfig file contains: [*.{h,cc,cpp}] indent_style = space indent_size = 2 tab_width = 8 I would expect tab characters in a file t

Sublime Text: How do I rename the Directory in which I'm editing?

I opened my folder called 'Tsunami++' in sublime text and I want to be able to rename it without having to close sublime text, open file explorer, find the fold

Fatal: could not read username for 'https //' device not configured

I am trying to push code to github with SublimeGit plugin, but something weird occurs to me. Pushing to

Sublime package LANG setting

I have downloaded and unzipped Sublime 3 package for Red Hat linux. I have sublime_text in my /downloads/sublime_text_3. When I open ./sublime_text, I get the f

Why my changes are not displaying to the browser?

(this a long text but it's necessary for you to understand what I'm struggling with) I've been trying to find a solution to this but I just couldn't find any in

How can I easily edit after finding text in Sublime Text 3?

Whenever I do a sublime find, at some match I wish to add the text. But is there a shortcut to edit without moving mouse and clicking the text (to bring cursor

Keyboard short-cut for New file for Sidebar Enhancement plugin in Sublime text

I want that if I press Ctrl + n I should have same functionality as when I right on my side bar and do new file i.e. I should be asked to put in a file name.

How do I set up my terminal on Mac to auto open Sublime Text Editor when using git commit command?

I am trying to set up git on my terminal, and need it to open up Sublime text when I use a git commit command, so that I can add a note to my commits. If I type

Hide one line in Sublime Text 3

I have one line in a html file containing a base64 representation of an image. This line spans thousands of lines in the editor, which is a huge hassle when alw

How to open Sublime Text 3 editor with git commit

I have already configured Sublime Text 3 as my text editor for git Bash. Sublime successfully opens when I type subl 'filePath' However, when I try a git commi