Category "struct"

How can I declare a Pointer to a struct in C?

I have learned that pointers can be declared in 3 different ways: int* a; int *b; int * c; I prefer: int* a; While declaring a pointer to a structure, is it c

How to create structs in Golang from other partial structs?

If I have a two different structs, that mostly overlap each other in regards to their property types, and I need to create one from the other, is there some mor

Getting Go to recognize when new line is added to a TOML config file

I am trying to create a simple cli tool in Go using a TOML config file. I want to be able to store frequent commands I use on the command line for other tools,

How can I initialize View Again in SwiftUI?

I’m using SwfitUI in my project and I have a NavigationView and List. I’m clicking cell after open the detail view and click navigation back button.

Interesting C macro, how is it able to take a field within a struct and return a reference to the struct?

I saw an interesting design for a doubly-linked-list inside the Pintos operating system and I don't quite understand how it was able to achieve this behavior. I

Dodging the performance hit from using `in` with a struct without making the struct readonly?

C# 7.2 added two new features: In Parameters Using in for a parameter let's us pass by reference, but then prevents us from assigning a value to it. However the

Setting a pointer to a specific array and/or struct element

Here is the scenario: I have an array, AllElements of structure ElementSet, and inside of that structure - is a set of myElement structures and also an array of

Marshaling complex C structs with c unions for C#

i am desperate to get a complex c datatype correctly marshaled for C#. I already read all the other posts regarding that topic and i am running out of ideas alt

Unable to refer to typedef struct definitions done in Win32 Header files (.h files in External dependencies) from WinRT C++ Library

Unable to refer to typedef struct definitions done in Win32 Header files (.h files in External dependencies) when consumed from WinRT C++ Library #include <m

How do you declare a stack of type struct? in c++

In the code below, how do you properly declare a stack of type struct and push strings onto the stack so that they are saved in the struct? How do you specify w

Parts of a structure in C++ [closed]

Here is a code of a structure. On that there is a BSTree function included on the structure. I am stuck because I do not understand how a func

How do I construct an object of a slice struct?

package main import ( "fmt" ) type demo []struct { Text string Type string } func main() { d := demo{ Text: "Hello", Type:

Pad a struct so its size is a multiple of 16 bytes

I'm trying to have my C# struct match up some complex padding and packing rules. Fields should be aligned on 4 byte boundaries. The entire struct should be a mu

How to store dynamically generated JSON object in Big Query Table?

I have a use case to store dynamic JSON objects in a column in Big Query. The schema of the object is dynamically generated by the source and not known beforeha

How to create 24 bit unsigned integer in C

I am working on an embedded application where RAM is extremely tight. For this purpose I need to create a 24 bit unsigned integer data type. I am doing this us

How do I do a literal *int64 in Go?

I have a struct type with a *int64 field. type SomeType struct { SomeField *int64 } At some point in my code, I want to declare a literal of this (say, w

C++ union struct with struct member works on Clang and MSVC but not GCC

I am trying to define a union struct with some struct and primitive members overlapping in memory with a simple array. This works perfectly in Clang and MSVC, b

Code generation for struct property of user control

I create a user control like below: public partial class TestControl : UserControl { [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Conte

Are nested structs supported in Rust?

When I try to declare a struct inside of another struct: struct Test { struct Foo {} } The compiler complains: error: expected identifier, found keywor

How to search for an element in a golang slice

I have a slice of structs. type Config struct { Key string Value string } // I form a slice of the above struct var myconfig []Config // unmarshal a