Category "stanford-nlp"

stanford nlp api for java: how to get the name as full not in parts

the aim of my code is to submit a document (be it pdf or doc file) and get all the text in it. give the text to be analysed by stanford nlp. the code works just

How to overwrite a tag for a named entity with CoreNLP's RegexNER without specifying the original tag

I know that CoreNLP's RegexNER allows me to overwrite a tag using the mapping file. For example; I have the word EGFR which CoreNLP recognizes as an ORGANIZATIO

"HTTPConnectionPool(host='', port=9000): [Errno 111] Connection refused" error on AWS EMR when loading Stanford NLP model

I am using the Stanford CoreNLP Model in an algorithm, which includes a Java client to the server, the (StanfordCoreNLPClient) in order to interact with CoreNLP