Category "sqlite"

sqlite3 raised an error after running Airflow command line

When I ran command: airflow list_users It raised an error as below: sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: ab_permission_view_role ... sqlalchemy.exc.Opera

Python Django Operational error, no such table

I'm trying to use a sqlite database from a different project in my django project. I've added the .db file to my project structure and added the following code

How to save encrypted password in sqlite database in android studio

I am creating an application with a login username and password and I want to store the password in encrypted form in SQLite I do not how how to achieve this ta

Is the Unity Sqlite database registered?

I create the SQLite database using Unity. As in my code below. private void CreateTable() { using (dbconn = new SqliteConnection(blablabla)) {

How can I store a userid and password in SQLite database from my python application?

I'm not a pro in python, I just have a username and password stored statically in my python config file, the app use this credentials to FTP some files. I canno

Error: Could not find sqlite3-1.4.0 in any of the sources

I'm currently trying to get a run.rb file going, but I keep getting errors with sqlite3. When I type bundle install, I get this success message: Fetching gem m

Backing up SQLite .db file on ASP .NET Core web server

I'm running a .NET Core wep app. It uses Entity Framework for SQLite. Thus, a .db file is generated. From time to time I want to back up this .db file. Can I d

How to write SQL sub-query in SQL?

Here is sample data I am looking for total buying trade value and total selling trades value based on country. Here are two tables, country, and trades Table [c

findAll() returns empty with WHERE option

First question on StackOverflow, long time reader first time poster or whatever people say. I'm developing a Discord bot in my free time using Discord.js, and I

.NET Core Entity Framework how to map nested class into one sql table

I'm still new to .NET Core. I have this character that I want to store in SQLite using an entity. But by default, Character, CharacterData and CharacterLine are

Sequelize. SQLite Type checking

I started using Sequelize with SQLite. When I try to insert or update a value, it doesn't check for type-errors. For example I can use string values in a column

SQLite: Selecting all fields with a similar foreign key

I'm new to SQL and the SQLite library and was wondering how to select all fields in a table with a similar foreign key def retrieveOriginalQes(category): co

sqlite cannot connect to database error: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: org.sqlite.core.NativeDB._open_utf8([BI)V

I get the following error: I have this code I have tried several things going before I posted this, I determined that this was the source error it did not conne

SQLite3 database is Locked in Azure

I have a Flask server Running on Azure provided by Azure App services with sqlite3 as a database. I am unable to update sqlite3 as it is showing that database i

What could cause a sqlite application to slow down over time with high load?

I'll definitely need to update this based on feedback so I apologize in advance. The problem I'm trying to solve is roughly this. The graph shows Disk utilizat

Can't call / pass data from django database onto website using built in auth model and a model I created, which is the one I cant query

Any help would be appreciated, basically I am a beginner and I'm struggling to pull data from my database. I used the built in auth method from django, which s

SQLAlchemy: delete rows from associate table from many-to-many relationship

I noticed that when deleting one entry, the corresponding rows from the secondary table are not deleted. here my models: cashflows_tags_table = Table( "cash

On delete cascade on foreign key not working [duplicate]

I am doing a TODO list app and I'm trying to delete a list and every task which has the referencing listID.The problem is that on delete casca

How to Import a SQL file to Python

I'm attempting to import an sq file that already has tables into python. However, it doesn't seem to import what I had hoped. The only things I've seen so far a

Python 3.x Tortoise-orm Delete all values inside the database SQLite

So I've recently starting learning about tortoise-orm. But I have a question: How would I get all the data inside the SQLite database and delete all of them? E