Category "sql-insert"

Oracle SQL Trigger: After Update, Insert Rows into Another Table

I am trying to write a trigger on one table that is triggered when the quantity in stock = 0. It will then add a row to another table with the product_id and st

SQL Server : MERGE causing cannot insert the value NULL into column

I am doing a MERGE in SQL Server using the following code MERGE INTO DW_Datawarehouse.[dbo].[DWF_WAREHOUSE] with (HOLDLOCK) AS target USING #DataSource AS Sourc

Using CASE statement to INSERT values into multiple columns in SQLite

I'm trying to use INSERT statement to add values to a few columns in a new table depending on the value of a column in another table. I'm writing in SQLite. I w

Inserting aggregates into big table is too slow

I need to run a query as cronjob and it is too slow to perform. It sums a value from a view table (data_time_series) for each pair of aks and ii and inserts a r

Inserting multiple rows in mysql

Is the database query faster if I insert multiple rows at once: like INSERT.... UNION INSERT.... UNION (I need to insert like 2-3000 ro

How to insert, edit, delete image in SQL using

I can't Search and Edit using this Code. Insert is working. But Insert coding method is not sure (fileContent.ToString). And Search part and Update part is not