Category "springdoc-openapi-ui"

How to Customise example value of request body and execute it on swagger-ui with springdoc-open-api

I have created rest webservice using springboot and added springdoc-open-api for ducumentation of webservice, Now i have 2 question 1-how to add custom test val

Getting 405 error in OpenAPI swagger page if I put only path variable attributes in a Rest Controller

I am trying to create Swagger documentation using OpenAPI 3.0. I am using spring-boot-starter 1.5.4.RELEASE and springdoc-openapi-ui version 1.4.2 <parent>

@ApiModelProperty to @Schema

I'm trying to migrate springfox to springdoc using this code: import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; @ApiModelProperty(position = 30, required = true,

spring boot - springdoc open api: No api definiation provided error

I need to document my spring boot application's rest apis with SpringDoc OpenApi. So, I added this dependency in my pom.xml: <dependency> <groupId&

Which version of spring doc open ui gradle plugin be used with spring-boot 2.6?

Which version of spring doc open ui gradle plugin be used with spring-boot 2.6 ? I see this is the last plugin id "org.springdoc.openapi-gradle-plugin" version

Authorization Header not getting displayed in CURL springdoc-openapi-ui

I am using the springdoc-openapi-ui. I have configured the global headers named Authorization. When I execute the API Authorization is not showing in the CURL o