Category "spring-security-oauth2"

Where is the documentation for removing Oauth from Spring Security? [closed]

I know OAuth is now supported by Spring Security, so I want to review the official documentation so that I know how to safely remove it from m

OAuth2AuthorizedClient is always null @ azure implementation

I am currently try to get the refreshtoken because at a certain time the token will be unvalid and I would like to refresh my accesstoken. Problem is that OAut

Deprecated: KeyStoreKeyFactory is Deprecated

Since security.oauth2 is deprecated, what can be used to generate a KeyPair from .jks file instead of KeyStoreKeyFactory?

"Full authentication is required to access this resource" on spring oauth2 authorization server on /oauth/token request

I'm trying to create a page that will hold some user data that may be accessed through some client webpage. That brought me to oauth2 (authorization code) and S

Swagger UI being blocked by Spring Security

I am trying to implement spring security with JWT token, I am trying to achieve authentication with method level authorization My configuration looks like this

Customizing the TokenEndpoint in spring security OAuth2

I would like to customize how the TokenEndpoint works so that I can add additional parameters to to incoming /oauth/token rest call that I will capture and proc

Java - OAuth 2 using restTemplate to get login with refresh token (StackOverFlowError)

I created an interceptor to get the token before i do other request but i have the error "Method threw 'java.lang.StackOverflowError' exception." when i do the

Consider defining a bean of type '' in your configuration

I am using spring oAuthClient version 5.2.4.RELEASE By following the document link of spring security