Category "spring-mvc"

Spring Cloud Gateway for composite API calls?

I am starting to build a Microservice API Gateway, and I am considering Spring Cloud to help me with the routing. But some calls to the Gateway API will need mu

I'm trying to add a jsp page in my Spring Boot Aplication. My problem is that every time I try to go to that page I have this:

Whitelabel Error Page This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback. Tue Apr 26 16:10:15 IRDT 2022 There was an unex

postman returning "status": 404, "error": "Not Found", for the spring boot

Thank you in advance, Hello I am new to spring boot. I am facing a problem with spring boot. When I run my URL in postman it shows an error below. I have also u

java.lang.NoSuchMethodException error in Spring-boot web-application when deploying on tomcat

I am deploying a Spring-boot web-application on 'tomcat 9' and I faced a NoSuchMethodException. I compile and run this code in localhost, successfully; but when

How to convert ArrayList to Pageable object springboot

I was trying to return list as page object to my client side angular Application. But it return all the list not a page. this is my server side controller m

org.hibernate.internal.ExceptionMapperStandardImpl.mapManagedFlushFailure HHH000346: Error during managed flush

I have a server mistake: > ERROR [http-nio-8080-exec-5] > org.hibernate.internal.ExceptionMapperStandardImpl.mapManagedFlushFailure > HHH000346: Error

Spring RequestBody with either List<Object> or Object. Name for both are same "data"

I want to handle json request for List of Object and Object it self in the same Spring controller. Below is the exact example. Json Request for Single Object:

Spring Boot : CORS Issue

I am using Spring Boot version 2.0.2Release. Below is my security configuration @Configuration @EnableWebSecurity @EnableGlobalMethodSecurity( prePostE

org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException Spring JPA

i need help to solve this error here, for my college project. I created an online database and from there I tried to develop a service to be consumed later, the

Does a simple REST project in Spring Boot use the MVC principle?

I need to create a simple project that uses the Model-View-Controller principle and a MySQL database. And I want to use Spring Boot with Spring MVC and Spring D

Spring webflux - ServerWebExchangeDecorator code is not executed when an exception is thrown

I have a Webflux application, where I have a ServerWebExchangeDecorator that decorates the request and responses. I have overrides to do some logging and then c

Can not using foreign table in DBunit

My project is using SpringMVC, MyBatis, and PostgreSql. In postgres, I have 2 servers: sv1, sv2. I imported a table from sv2 into sv1 using: import foreign s

Spring MVC + thymeleaf: How to allow empty input?

How can I allow empty input to field with type long in Spring MVC + thymeleaf? I want this field to take default value. Currently I have the error: Field

Custom parameter names with a bean for request parameters in Spring 5

I'm trying to use Spring 5 to have a custom bean for my request parameters. In theory this is easy, but I want to have the field names be different from the par

Thymeleaf is trying to build a html which does not exist and which is not called anywhere

I am trying to build a spring mvc app with spring boot and thymeleaf. I am trying to create a form to insert an object into my data base (something which I alre

Error executing DDL "drop table Player if exists" via JDBC Statement

Creating a spring mvc project with database using java configuration . The application gives error for tables operation like create, drop, alter operation for

Getting a 400 bad request response when submitting a form in Thymeleaf to my spring boot application

I am creating a Spring boot application with a thymeleaf front-end. I am trying to create an object of type "expense" (seen in the code snippet below) but, when

Application logout Cannot call sendRedirect() after the response has been committed

After login to the application and while trying to perform any activity the page keeps loading for some time and logged out of the application. I checked t

How can I test the Remember Me checkbox

I am currently setting up a service allowing user login on a web portal, for comfort I have added the "Remember Me" function using Spring Security by using a pe

Spring Data JPA / Hibernate "Unable to locate Attribute with the given name"

We have a problem with a Spring Web Application and Hibernate. It is written in Kotlin. We have an abstract Entity @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOI