Category "spring-cloud-feign"

Building a SSLSocketFactory to enable HTTPs for custom Feign Client configuration

I'm trying to add HTTPs to my spring boot services, one of them is a Feign Client that is throwing this error: xception in thread "Thread-7" feign.FeignExceptio

Spring cloud open Feign Not ignoring null Values while Encoding

I am working on a Spring boot application. We are using Spring cloud open Feign for making rest calls. We are using the default GsonEncoder(), but for some reas

Spring AOP does not intercept Feign.Client calls

I'm trying to use Spring AOP to intercept Feign.Client calls and log request and response to my Splunk Server. All methods in my project package are intercepted

The bean 'exampleService.FeignClientSpecification' could not be registered. Bean already defined and overriding is disabled

My feign client class is as below along with the Application class. @FeignClient(name = "ExampleService", configuration = FeignClientConfig.class, url = "http: